What makes me busy nowadays? Aside from everyday activities because my son is homeschooled, I also have other activities to earn an extra income bothREAD MORE »
Seminar: Building & Strengthening Language Skills & Managing Behavior Problems Through Applied Behavior Analysis I’ve been hearing about ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) from some mommies at my son’s therapy center for some time now.Β READ MORE »
We can’t decide if we will have another baby! Ren is already 5 years old, every one is asking me why is it that he doesn’t have a siblingREAD MORE »
I am worried for my son! Last night hubby and I watched the movie The Impossible (spanish Lo Impossible). Β It was based on a true storyREAD MORE »
Why did we shared my son’s condition to the world? I have posted about my son’s uniqueness on my previous post (read HERE). I have written that post some yearsREAD MORE »
We have a unique and one of a kind child My son Ren is not a typical growing kid.Β I can’t say that he is special because we don’t treatREAD MORE »
Sensory Processing Disorder in Children Being a parent can be one of the toughest jobs in the world. Being responsible for the development and well-beingREAD MORE »
What is Asperger Syndrome? What do famous people like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Sir Isaac Newton, Thomas Jefferson, Wolfgang Mozart and evenREAD MORE »