Weight Loss Vs. Fat Reduction—A Closer Look at How Fat Reduction Works
Fat reduction and weight loss may sound similar, but the reality is that they are quite different. Losing the extra weight does not always guarantee that you will end up with a sculpted appearance. On the other hand, fat reduction assists in changing the contours and shape of your body.

How do fat cells work?
The quantity of fat cells present in your body gets determined during your adolescence and childhood years. As you transition into an adult, the number experiences very minimal variations. You should, therefore, note that the fat cells in your body are specific to you, and will tend to vary from one individual to another.
Stubborn fat—what is it?
As mentioned above, your number of fat cells get set early on in life. However, some individuals have what is known as stubborn fat cells. It is a term used to refer to fat pockets that refuse to change despite a person undertaking dieting and exercising. Stubborn fat pockets can vary a lot from one individual to the next. The variation lies in the fact that people tend to carry fat in different areas of their bodies. So what takes place in your body when the weight begins to fluctuate?
Fat cells will typically start to expand when you begin gaining weight. This, in return, causes the waistline (thighs, double chin, and hips) to start expanding. Exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet will cause fat cells to begin shrinking.
A reduction in the size of your fat cells causes you to get a trimmer and slimmer shape. But the downside is that you will begin to expand again as soon as you have stopped practicing these healthy habits, which will then cause you to start adding unwanted bulges yet again.
Cryolipolysis and CoolSculpting
As is the case with liposuction, therapists and plastic surgeons use various techniques to target different parts of the body. These are areas where it may be more challenging to get rid of extra fat via exercising and dieting. One of these techniques is known as CoolSculpting.
CoolSculpting is a noninvasive treatment that is reliant on cryolipolysis technology. It is a treatment designed for any person looking to freeze away body fat or to use freezing temperatures to interrupt the concentration of fat cells in the body. It involves targeting and freezing fat cells present in your body. When complete, it results in a fat reduction of between 20-25 percent in the areas targeted by the treatment.
Some of the things you should know before freezing off the fat cells include:
- Your body fat cells will start to self-destruct when your skin becomes too cold. CoolSculpting, a procedure cleared by the FDA, involves suctions in skin areas surrounding areas where you would like the fat frozen. It then uses cryolipolysis technology to cool the skin, leading to the death of the fat cells. Your body will then start to get rid of the fat cells in the coming days.
- It takes weeks for the full results to start showing up. Often, the length of time it takes for the results to show up will depend on your body’s reaction to this treatment. Expect to start noticing full results after the second or third month of undergoing the treatment.
Fat freezing treatment was invented in 2010 and has so far been performed in more than six hundred thousand patients across the globe. The reality is that this technology is effective in getting rid of extra fat, but you need to maintain an exercise routine and a healthy diet to maintain the results.
Wow may ganito palang mga treatment freeze body fat .. love it ..