He said, She said!
My husband and I always debate on the right way to discipline my son.
My husband Noel is a smart person, he said that he spends his childhood mostly inside the house playing virtual games, drawing comics or making little inventions. I, on the other hand, prefer playing outside the house with a bunch of neighbor kids, fighting for a piece of candy, and most of time going home with scratches everywhere.
He graduated valedictorian, while yours truly has one failing grade (Physics) in High School (nyahaha).
I had tons of friends from different status in life (rags and riches) and he has nerd friends (hi guys!!).
When we met, we knew we were very different from each other and yet we were very much in love with each other.
Unfortunately, since now that we have our own child, the way on how to raise our son makes it hard for us. There are times that I am really irritated because of that differences. He knows he’s right and I also know that I am right since we knew we were both raised well by our parents.
I then realized that even though we argue, our mission is still the same, and that is to give everything that we think is best for Ren. We talked about it, and I am grateful now that we learn to understand each other about it.
We realize that every kid is different so the parenting style or method should be flexible. Even siblings are different, so an old method may work for some but not to others, that is why parenting is really a continuous learning experience.
what ever happens in life we should always remember to live life to the fullest
my husband is very lenient while I am the strict one “monster mom” (as my husband teases me) when it comes to disciplining our kids. Sometimes he contradicts my policies so we end up arguing ahaha