10 Simple Things You Can Do To Lose Weight
One of the things I am proud to have accomplished last year was to lose weight. I’ve been trying to do it for a decade but it was only last year that I finally took it seriously and oh boy the face on my relatives’ faces when they saw me last month was priceless. The pounds I’ve lost might not be that huge compared to some, but it already made a big impact on my physical appearance. Well to start of I’m not that big.
I believe in taking small steps in reaching your goal whether it is to get rich, to get the promotion you always wanted or to be fit and healthy. Small steps makes the process more meaningful and something to be proud of when you reach your goal.
Without further ado, here are some of the simple things I did to reach my goal:
1. Drink Black Coffee – better if you’ll add cinnamon on it accdg to my co mommy blogger friend Pehpot. She told us that drinking black coffee with cinnamon makes her tummy smaller. To see is to believe, so I tried it too. Guess what, it helps me to have a normal bowel movement. Cinnamon helps you lose weight and lower your risk of heart disease. Stay away from Frappé.

2. Switch to Brown/Red Rice – unpolished rice are healthier than white rice. I usually mixed brown and red rice. They said that black is better but they are sooo expensive for our budget. Brown rice can make you full while consuming fewer calories. It is also rich in fiber that aids in digestion. Research has shown that eating half a cup of brown rice daily reduces your risk of developing diabetes by 60%. Try to consume capsimax pills for weight loss too.
3. Eat Less Rice – I know we love rice…. we can’t eat our Sinigang or Kare-Kare without it, that’s okay but make sure that you’ll just consume 1/2 cup. Learn to control yourself and I tell you limiting your rice intake will make your tummy smaller.
4. Drink More Water – drinking a glass of water before every meal will make you feel full and will make you eat less. Plus this will help you have a healthier / moisturized skin.
5. Eat More at Home – if you have noticed on my IG account I tend to cook more now compared before. Yes we still buy from fastfood once in a while but most of the time I cook or buy “lutong ulam” from neighbors.
6. Drink Green Tea – If you don’t like coffee, then I suggest you try drinking green tea. It has antioxidants to help you lose weight.
7. Do Cardio Exercises 3 Times A Week – Choose which exercise you love to do so that you don’t get tired and bored in doing it. I love dancing so Zumba works for me compared to running, swimming etc. If you don’t like strenuous exercise, then try to walk at least 45 minutes a day.
8. Weight Lifting – This will tone the muscles and it increases your chance to lose weight fast.
9. Sleep More – Even if you exercise and eat less if you’re not getting the sleep your body needs, you won’t drop as much fat. A recent study from the University of Chicago compared the weight-loss results from sleeping eight and a half hours per night versus only five and a half hours per night.
10. Be Happy – Stress can prevent you from losing weight. It’s okay to be anxious once in a while, but if it’s already affecting your life and health then you need to seek for help and do something about it. Breathing exercise or a good massage can help you lessen your stress level.
There you go! I hope these tips will help you to be a better version of yourself this year.
Learning so much about losing weight. Thank you.