10 Workout Plans from Good Looking and Fit Celebrities

Celebrities are influential on so many fronts. It is for the same reason that people are often curious to know what exactly makes their bodies all ripped and ageless. Some of the workout routines they apply are outlined here.
1. Michael Jordan “Creed “Workout Sessions
Playing as a boxer in the award-winning creed’ was not for nothing, but everything to do with an amazing ripped body. Some of the workouts which this celebrity has used include an intense amount of boxing training; some 40-60 minutes of cardio exercises, accompanied by a disciplined routine of sit-ups, push-ups, and squats. Other fun workouts come in as well, to complement and make these routines serious fun.
2. Shakira’s Infamous Workouts
She initially started with half an hour, and later for an hour of intense exercises each morning, and evening of every day. This celebrity singer has a thing for mixed workouts. Basically, squats, lunges, and leg pulses take the center stage in her training regimen. With the help of her personal trainer, they also incorporate some good amount of plank push-ups in the sessions.
3. Taylor Swift Loves the Treadmill
Besides blasting out some heart-wrenching tunes to her music fans, she also bans all pent up energy by running and doing cardio on the treadmill.
4. Harry Barry and Her Kickboxing Style
This ageless star makes training seem both easy and effortless. Whether in character or just living as simple, next door mum; she sets aside five days each week for serious training in which she incorporates both abs and leg exercise. She then increases the tempo with simple stairs, or hill climbing physical workouts.
5. Kim Kardashian’s Barry’s Bootcamp
Apart from her exceptional role as a reality TV star, she’s also a great enthusiast of Barry’s Bootcamp fitness sessions. These come with an hour long 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, as well as 30 minutes of strength training with free weights and resistance band., Other equipment is so used in these sessions for best outcomes.
6. Ben Affleck and His “Batman” Training Sessions
Preparation for the role of “Batman” demanded of him to indulge in a variety of fat-burning and muscle strengthening and building training exercises. Basically, this often took the form of weight lifting as well as plenty of cardio workouts.
7. The Rock and his Kickass Workout Routine
This celebrity is known for some of the most incredible bodyweight training plans. As a professional wrestler, he is usually in the workout mode for 6 days a week. Some of his favorite sessions include cardio and weight lifting. And these, not fake weights we are talking about, but real ones. According to (https://totalshape.com/equipment/fake-weights/), there are some tools that are usually applied by some celebrities to play with the minds of their audience in thinking that they are in fact working with realistics weights. The Rock usually works with the most real ones out there.
Other than weight lifting, the Rock is also known for his mornings’ hour of jogging and sometimes a serious run before heading into the gym.
8. Jennifer Aniston Has a Thing for Yoga
Jennifer is not only known for an incredible work ethic and beautiful figure, but also for her gentle mien and character. It is the yoga that brings out the best in her. She actually pairs yoga and a variety of body toning exercises.
9. Liam Hemsworth’s Bodyweight Workouts
With an amazing physique on display, this celebrity is known for some of the most basic training workouts. These include intense push-ups, and pull-ups, burpee workouts as well as a number of dip variations.
10. Jake Gyllenhaal
If you want to know how he achieved that incredible sizzling body in “Southpaw”, this star trained for 6 hours each day for 5 months. Some of the routines included running about 8 miles every morning, and then later in the day, he would incorporate both bodybuilding and core workouts.
There so much that is put into consideration when it comes to celebrity fitness plans and workout routines. Some of them are just basic, while others need lots of effort, together with an appropriate nutrition plan.
Needless to say, if you stay true to some of the routines while incorporating many more exercise tips, you can look as good, even better than your favorite celebrity.
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