Earth Hour: Should be done every month, I think!
As far as I know, the first Earth Hour was done last 2008 only. It was organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually. We were asked to turned off the lights and other electrical appliances for 1 hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on drastic climate change.
While I am writing this, the Earth Hour was 10 minutes over. I am sad that not everyone in my neighborhood did their share in saving mother Earth. We are the only household who really turned off all the lights. We went to the roof deck to have some fresh air as we turned off our lights and all the appliances, so that Ren will not get fuzzy.
I brought a candle in the roof deck since I am worried it will be dark but since we are living in the City, the surroundings are really bright, and it’s because not everyone really turned off their lights. (the picture look like it was taken at noon because Noel was experimenting with his camera using different exposures)
I thought that 1 hour is long enough but it’s not. We enjoyed the nature and the fresh air, Ren loved looking at the moon and the stars. Noel and our nephew Ron also enjoyed taking some pictures with the candles effect.
That is why I thought that Earth Hour should be done every month, per location maybe. I want my child to still experience nature, that is why I really want to help save mother Earth, even in any small way that I can.
I have watched many documentaries about the changes in our climate and I am so afraid that everything will be gone soon. I am getting paranoid right? If you have a small child maybe you can relate with me.
Next year, if ever it’s really impossible to do this every month, I hope that more people would really participate on Earth Hour.
what ever happens in life we should always remember to live life to the fullest
i like the light painting pics 🙂 We can do our own earth hour everyday nga eh. 🙂
That’s a great idea. If we could do it at least once a month, we’ll definitely conserve a lot of energy.