Wall-E movie teaches us to protect the environment
It takes almost 10 years for a tree to grow to it’s full size, in colder areas, they say that it takes more than 100 years for the tree to reach it’s full size. If you want your kids to experience the beauty of nature and green surroundings, then, you must consider planting plants and trees in your area as early as now.
I am one of the few who doesn’t have a green thumb, I always fail to make a plant grow from seeds or small scrubs. But, failing didn’t discouraged me to have plants on our place. My solution is to buy plants with roots already, although I still lost some after transferring it to a bigger pot, there are still a few who are strong and managed to survive.
Last time, I posted here the movies I recommend for kids to watch, and I forgot to include Wall-E there.
The movie Wall-E from Pixar has lots of moral lessons that kids and adult can get. Beside eating moderately and exercising so that you will not get fat, I think the most important message there that should awaken us is to take care of our environment since we don’t have anywhere else to go if it will be destroyed.
My last visit to Baguio was year 2003 (the first one was year 2001) and I can say that from a span of 2 years there are already lots of changes that happened in the area. Since the population is rising here and there, I am not surprised to see a lot of houses and establishments in the area. Back then, SM Baguio is still newly opened.
Now, I have read that SM Baguio will uproot almost 200 trees to have a space for a parking lot. The idea is to Earth-ball the pine trees and transfer it to another area (but where can they put it if there are some many houses there already?), and SM also promised to plant 50 new trees for every 1 old tree that will be cut or uprooted for the project (again, the question is where will they put the new trees?). As I have said earlier, it takes 10 years for these new trees to reach their full size..
These promises are good if you don’t know what happened to the past trees that were being earth balled. Dr. Michael Bengwayan (executive director of Cordillera Ecological Center-PINE TREE) said that, for the 497 pine trees that were being earth-balled by Camp John Hay Development Corp. last 1994, only less than 20% survived and those not dead were showing signs of deteriorating. So, we should expect that out of the 187 Pine Trees that will be uprooted, more or less only 30 trees will survive.
Summer is fast approaching, and Baguio is the number 1 tourist destination to those who want to cool down, but can Baguio still provide the cool air when there are only a few trees standing. If the people in this area will not do something to rebuild what Baguio looks and feels like what it was before, then the amount of oxygen will be even not enough for all of them.
I think SM will listen to the Baguio people, since they promote green living. I know they will not do something that will destroy the environment (to SM Baguio please prove that I am right).
I hope this year I can bring my whole family to Baguio, and I hope that my son will still see the beauty and feel the cold weather of this place when that time comes.
I admire movies that applies to reality and contributes on making our society a better one like this Wall E
i personally don’t think SM will listen. they have the money and the power to suppress the people from even voicing out their opinions (which they are actually doing right now, scary) on the matter, and have gone to great lengths to make the journey to this issue’s end harder for the opposing side. people who back up SM say they will plan trees to replace the ones they will destroy. but seriously. why destroy perfectly good trees that have been here even before we were born, if they are truly as concerned for the environment as they claim?
you may be wondering why i haven’t posted about my opinions about this issue on my blog. it’s just too personal for me, one of the very rare occasions where i’d rather just *do* than write 🙂