Who can’t resist Chocolate?

As a child, I always wanted to have chocolates all the time, I will even lick the melted chocolate in the foil, and eat ever single piece of it. Now, as a not-so-adult and an overweight woman (ouch! this word really hurts) I am trying to control myself from eating chocolates. No! I am not diabetic, I just had my blood sugar checked 2 months ago and thank God my sugar level is alright. But, since I was told before that eating chocolates are not good to our health, I am trying my very best not to eat too much. I had it once a week when we do the grocery but sometimes I just can’t resist it: the smell, the smooth texture, the almonds (oh! I love almonds) and the sweetness is calling to me. Before, I love milk chocolate, but when I discovered that Dark Chocolate is a better because it has more anti-oxidants then I had to choose it to avoid the guilt after eating.
This is my favorite chocolate, and please read the entire post because there is a romantic scene behind it.
Ferrero Rocher- my husband never fails to give me this every time we are celebrating our monthsary (particularly this heart shaped box). It even came to the point that I even asked him to give me anything other that this since I am sick of eating it already. But after months that he didn’t gave me this chocolate I realized that I am missing it and want to have it again (oh yes girls will be girls!).
But the best thing about Ferrero that I will never ever forget is that my husband used it to propose to me and he made it so romantic. Do you want to know how he did it? let’s reminisce.
First he detached the foil wrapper, and then he ate the middle chocolate, then put on the engagement ring and wrap it again with the chocolate foil so that I will not noticed it. He even put a small note in the paper that is sticking outside the wrapper which says “Congratulations! You have just won! Open to see what you’ve won!” then when I unwrapped the chocolate foil, the ring came out and when I continue reading, the message says “You’re the sweetest thing that came into my life, now the time has come for me to ask you to be my wife”. Shed of tears came out of me when I finished reading it. I hugged him and said “Yes dear I love to marry you!”. Then the rest is history. A simple proposal but it is very unique and sooo romantic.
I love to share this story to everyone, thank you Girl Talk for making it possible. This is my 1st time to join here and just like mommy moments I know I will be going to love this also.
what ever happens in life we should always remember to live life to the fullest
sweet nman!:)
my sis-in-law loves ferrero. and you know what? i’m starting to like it, too kasi she always buys a pack for the 2 of us.:)
Thanks Niko for welcoming me in GT. I already put the badge, I forgot to do it yesterday 🙂
ow your husband is sooooo sweeet!! i love the story behind the ferrero 🙂
thanks for sharing! and thank you also for joining GT.. see u next thursday and share to us ur fave pastime naman ha
anyways, if you can grab the girls talk badge and place it on your post, i would really appreciate it very much 😀
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husband of a blogger
sabi nga ni Forrest Gumps, “Life is like a box Chocolates” 🙂