Embracing a Natural Lifestyle: Simplifying Household Chores in Three Easy Steps
As moms who wear many hats, our physical and mental health should be our top priority. As the saying goes, you cannot pour from an empty cup, so we should still learn to simplify household chores to have time for ourselves.
Finding ways to simplify household chores can help save time, reduce stress, and promote a more sustainable lifestyle. One area where simplification is particularly beneficial is in laundry care. In this article, we’ll explore three ways to simplify household chores, from budgeting with a money app to extending the lifespan of your clothes and even shopping online.
Tip #1: Budgeting with a Money App: Simplify your household budgeting with the help of a money management app, so you can track your expenses and savings effortlessly. This will also help you to reconsider your spending habits and give you a clearer view where your money goes, especially nowadays that there’s an increase in the cost of our everyday essentials. Moms’ solution for this? Prioritize buying quality products with value for money.

Tip #2: Choose Value for Money products first!
And speaking of value for money, I’d like to share with you my recent laundry discovery that’s definitely a bang for the buck – Klensa Natural Liquid Soap!

It’s made from natural ingredients and is safe for kids’ clothes, which helped me develop a more efficient and effective laundry routine. I no longer need to purchase separate laundry essentials for our clothes as well as cleaning products for our washing machine since Klensa can also help clean your washer tub.
Using Klensa has truly been a game-changer in many aspects of our household, especially when partnered with an automatic washing machine – another value for money buy!
Ever since my husband bought an automatic washing machine, my life has become easier. Even my teenage son can do his laundry on his own already. To prolong the life of your washer, it is advisable to use a liquid soap rather than detergent. Liquid laundry soap dissolves easily in water compared to detergent – resulting in more effective cleaning of clothes without leaving behind residue or clumps.

But don’t choose any kind of liquid laundry soap, opt for a natural one – like Klensa! It is gentle on clothes compared to detergent because it contains SAVONEL (potassium cocoate), a naturally derived ingredient from coconut oil known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Plus, it has no chemical fillers!
I tried it many times and noticed that it is tough on stains but gentle on hands. It has no irritating smell; believe me, you’ll like the fresh, mild scent of this product!
By washing clothes with a gentle, natural liquid soap and air-drying them (whenever possible), you can help preserve the quality and longevity of your clothing items, allowing you to enjoy them for years.
Tip #3: Grocery Shopping with Online Delivery Services:
Take the hassle out of grocery shopping by using online delivery services to deliver groceries directly to your door. Many supermarkets and grocery stores offer online ordering options, allowing you to shop from the comfort of your home and avoid the stress of navigating crowded aisles.

For instance, you can buy Klensa Natural Liquid Soap on their website www.klensaph.com
Use my code KLENSAXLEVY30 on their website to get 30% off with a minimum purchase of Php 500!
Online shopping helps me save time and energy and avoid unnecessary purchases.
In conclusion, simplifying household chores not only saves time and reduces stress but also promotes a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle, allowing us to prioritize our physical and mental well-being.
As busy moms, it’s crucial to find ways to streamline our tasks so that we can still have time for ourselves amidst our numerous responsibilities. By incorporating tips like budgeting with a money app, opting for natural and value-for-money products like Klensa Natural Liquid Soap, and taking advantage of online delivery services for groceries, we can make our lives easier and more efficient.
So why not give these tips a try? Trust me, you won’t regret it! Let’s make our lives simpler and more enjoyable, one chore at a time.
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