5 Best Wallpaper Designs For Textured Walls
Can you use wallpaper on textured walls? That’s a question that often bothers people as they choose the right paper for their walls. But, it makes sense, considering that most people advocate for flat walls when applying temporary wallpaper. So, is there such a thing as temporary wallpaper for textured walls? Well, here is the thing – yes. You can get wallpaper that can serve textured walls. Even so, it requires a bit more thinking than you would have when working with a flat wall. Let’s start by understanding the types of textured walls:

Understanding Textured Walls
People use textured walls for numerous reasons. First, there’s the benefit of sound absorption. Such rooms have better acoustics and are an excellent perk for noisy spaces. Secondly, there’s the whole aspect of aesthetic value. Who does not want to have something interesting to look at in the home? Even with temporary wallpaper, people look for versatility. They install anything from vintage to botanic to ombre wallpaper for walls. It’s the same case with textured walls – people want something that excites them, and we all know that flat and blank walls are not it.
So, what textured walls are you likely to come across?
- Orange peel: This texture is relatively light. In most cases, you can cover this wall with wallpaper without losing the aesthetic appeal that comes with wallpaper.
- Popcorn: As the name suggests, this texture has numerous rough edges. Some can be so pointy that they can stick out of the wallpaper, creating weak points. It’s difficult to smooth over this paper or even clean it because any pressure can damage the paper.
- Knockdown: This texture is minimal and allows you to paper the wall. However, you can still make out some of its edges sticking out, which can make the whole aesthetic odd.
- Skip trowel: This texture is quite like the knockdown effect. It also allows you to apply wallpaper but will show some oddity here and there.
- Swirl wall: It features patterns of half circles in continuous motion. While it is more common in ceilings, it’s now increasingly popular for walls.
Are these textured walls an issue when it comes to installing temporary wallpaper? Why, yes! Even when installing traditional wallpaper, texture proves to be a problem. While the wallpaper will still serve the goal of covering the wall and entertaining the eyes, it won’t be perfect. You can see the texture prodding the paper, and that’s not aesthetically pleasing. Moreover, the space created between the paper and wall due to the bumps paves the way for moisture. Eventually, that can harbor mold and fungus, damage the wall, and reduce the wallpaper’s efficacy.
Can You Stick Wallpaper on Textured Walls?
In most cases, the main issue will be the aesthetics of the finished product. After all, you don’t want to install wallpaper adorned with bumps. That would not look good, and you would likely want to get rid of it. Another issue would be function. Suppose the texture pokes at the paper and even tears it, then using wallpaper on the wall would not be a good idea. Finally, the paper might not even stick. The texture might be so much that it creates air bubbles that prevent the paper from adhering to the wall.
How can you know if you can use wallpaper on your wall? We advise that you start with a sample. Only then can you tell if the paper will stick and how it will look. Choose a spot with a high amount of texture and prep it well. That means cleaning it to get rid of dirt and allowing it to dry up to 24 hours. Then place the paper on it and see how that works. If it sticks, then you can use wallpaper on it. If not, you might need to flatten the wall before papering it.
So, how do you flatten a wall? Most people use a process known as “mudding.” In this, you apply a skim coat to level the surface area then sand it down. After this, you are good to go. You can alternate the skim coat with a joint compound. The idea is to reduce the texturing to have a flatter surface.
Which Wallpaper is Best for a Textured Wall?
Textured walls already have the downside of reduced adherence to walls. So:
- Consider the thickness: You want to work with the highest quality paper you can find. Thicker is always better as it can conceal bumps better than a thinner option.
- Vet the colors: Light colors often show the textures behind the paper, which hurts the aesthetic value. We advise that you stick with darker colors that can hide the imperfections better.
- Consider the print: Simple prints do not hide much. If anything, they highlight what’s wrong with the paper. You are better off working with a busy pattern that can hide the bumps.
In light of the above considerations, our top 5 picks are:
- Geometric Wallpaper: Can you go wrong with shapes? These are ideal for imparting emotions in the people in the room. Moreover, they interest the eyes such that they barely have time to notice the bumps on the paper. Therefore, when choosing shapes, always consider the emotions they will convey.
- Striped Wallpaper: Stripes are known for their illusions. So, why not use them to create the illusion of perfection? With lines running up and down the wall, who would even notice the bumps along the way?
- Floral Wallpaper: There is beauty in nature, and as we all know, nature is not perfect. Thus, a few bumps rearing their heads amid the branches, leaves, and flowers should not be a big deal.
- Botanical Wallpaper: Invite the allure of nature into your space by embracing trees, forests, and all that reminds us of the great outdoors. The texture will be the icing on the cake.
- Stone Effect Wallpaper: Is there a thing such as a perfect stone? Hardly – so the bumps on the paper will be but an addition to this natural beauty.
Choosing a wallpaper that works for your textured walls without showing the bumps within is the first step to revamping your space. So, take your time with this decision – and if you need to sand down your walls, so be it!
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