3 Unusual Work Perks Employers Should Offer In 2020
Work perks are a powerful tool used by employers to improve employee welfare, happiness and overall job satisfaction. They are vital for retaining staff and effectively motivating productivity standards.

The best perks pertain to existing employee needs, and the harsh nature of 2020 has given people a true insight into their priorities.
Read on to discover some brilliant work perks that will benefit yourself and your employees in 2020.
Company cars
In 2020 companies and workers are more environmentally conscious.
If one positive can come from the coronavirus pandemic, it’s the idea we can make a noticeable improvement to the world around us. However, the return to work is inevitable and essential. Carbon emissions will rise again when companies resume business as usual.
But employers can be more mindful of their environmental footprint, by offering company cars where a cycle scheme isn’t possible.
Cars don’t need to guzzle gas when taking you to and from work. Large companies are in a position where they can afford to invest in alternative energy.
Electric cars are high in demand and incredibly useful for regular medium distance trips. With models like Volswagen’s ID.3 boasting a range of 350 miles.
Alternatively, smaller businesses will struggle to splash tens of thousands on EV cars. Instead, they could invest in cheaper low emission vehicles and apply fuel cards for small business.
Targeted fuel cards for small business protect the environment by providing electronic records for fuel purchases, thus allowing your company to go paperless.
Not only does this protect the environment, it’s also a wise business decision. E-records double up as HMRC approved invoices, thereby, bypassing time consuming admin work.
Either way, you’d be sure to impress employees with a free car and improve your brand image at the same time.
Outdoor cinema trips
The impact of COVID-19 on our lives in 2020 is immeasurable.
Workforces across the globe are due some fun perks after such a taxing year. As lockdown measures ease, we are allowed to socialise in open space.
Employers bear a certain responsibility to facilitate an enjoyable working atmosphere and rebuild employee confidence in the workplace.
Therefore, introducing fun, social distancing compliant activities for your team could go a long way into acclimating a new sense of normality. But picking something everyone can enjoy is no enviable task.
While concerns about social distancing remain a prominent issue, committing to a night on the town might not be a popular choice for the whole team.
Instead, more consciously separate nights out have proven to be popular in the wake of COVID-19.
One such example being outdoor cinemas — an American style movie experience which has witnessed a strong revival over the pandemic.
There is something quirky and exciting about pulling up in a convoy and watching Pulp Fiction. Just make sure you provide the snacks.
Wellness initiatives
2020 has cast a new light on the importance of physical and mental wellness.
As an employer it is your duty to take care of staff and listen to their needs, and encouraging healthy behaviour plays a huge role in that.
Not every perk should focus on productivity. Sometimes your employees will need a break from the inevitable monotony and stress of work.
Give your employees a chance to cut loose, tend to important personal tasks, or otherwise escape the confines of a desk.
For one, you could introduce flexible working or homeworking schemes. This will allow employees to plan working life around their family, rather than the other way around.
Also establish mental health days which are separate to sick days. Mental health is something you should be taking incredibly seriously; often the added stress of work can exacerbate symptoms.
Recommended reading: Ways To Help Your Child Financially In Desperate Times
Work perks are a fantastic way to demonstrate how you care about your business and the employees who keep it chugging along.
Ultimately rewards should be tailored to the needs of your staff. And in the light of 2020 these have changed a lot.
Considering the perks mentioned above: Can you establish any of them in your own business?
Those perks are really important,to every employees