Cystic Acne Treatments That Really Works
Not all forms of acne are the same. It’s true that all acne-sufferers feel more self-conscious and insecure to an extent, but as the acne becomes more severe, its symptoms and effects become even more problematic. This makes us start looking into acne treatment options, only to end up with way too many choices. Chances are you’ve already tried most of the products that have come up on your research. You’re then left with a skeptical question: Can anything actually cure acne or will you be stuck with it for the rest of your life?
The good news is that there are acne treatments that actually work. You might have just been using the wrong kind of products for your acne. But to know what kind of treatment you need, it’s important to understand how acne breaks out and what you can do about it. Let’s get started!
What Starts an Acne Outbreak?
To put it simply, acne is the result of an excessive oil secretion that gets clogged with other substances. To understand how that happens, the anatomy of our skin is created in such a way that there are sebaceous (oil) glands almost everywhere we have hair. So, except for the sole of our feet and palms of our hands, we have oil glands everywhere on our skin, and they become even more abundant in our face, especially the forehead and chin, neck, middle back, and chest.
These oil glands normally secrete oil onto the surface of our skin; moisturizing both the skin and the hair follicles coming out in that area. Sometimes, the follicle becomes stuck below the surface, imprisoning some of the oil with it. Other times, the clog can include other substances as well, such as dead skin cells or bacteria from the surface of the skin.

What Triggers Acne?
The outbreak of acne can occur naturally, but it is usually exacerbated by certain factors. When these factors play their parts, acne outbreaks can become much more frequent and severe. For instance, an increase in the level of androgen hormones, such as before the menstrual cycle or during puberty and adolescence, can make the acne worse. Basically, any kind of hormonal imbalance can make it worse, such as going through periods of prolonged stress. If you’re the kind who can’t keep their hands off their acne as soon as they break out, then this practice also makes it worse. Wearing tight clothes that make your skin unable to breathe and sweat excessively can also make your acne worse.
Different Types of Acne
There are mainly two types of acne: Non-inflammatory and Inflammatory Acne. Non-inflammatory acne, such as whiteheads and blackheads, become stuck on the surface and they’re not usually painful at all. The real issues start when the outbreak is associated with inflammation, which usually affects the surrounding area as well. These kinds of acne can range from mild to severe in intensity, with cystic acne being the most severe of all. This is important to understand because what could work for blackheads can do little to nothing at all in reducing the severity of cystic acne. Every kind has its treatment and dosage forms, which is something an expert dermatologist will surely be able to help you with.
Cystic Acne Treatments That Really Work
Now that you understand how cystic acne should be treated differently than normal acne, here’s every treatment option you have to treat cystic acne outbreaks:
Topical Treatments
Topical treatments are the first line of treatment options you’ll probably try, as they’re worth a trial. But if we were to talk about their effectiveness with cystic acne, then you’ll probably reap little benefit from them. These treatments, such as creams, gels, and oils containing Benzoyl peroxide, Retinoid, and Salicylic Acid, are usually sold over the counter. They do work for milder forms of acne, but they come with their own side effects and they do little for treating cystic acne.
When looking for cystic acne treatment, it’s quite common that we’d go looking for medical products and chemically complicated formulas. This is justified; they do work after all. But what most of us miss is the simple fact that acne can be modulated by going back to the basics: supplements. As explained by pharmaceutical professionals in the blog post Supplements for Acne, they play a big role in both limiting the severity and frequency of outbreaks and supplementing the efficacy of the acne treatment. For instance, vitamins like A, C, and E are some of the best ones you can take to maintain the health of your skin and reduce the acne. Other supplements, such as vitamins D, K (1 & 2), Selenium, Zinc, Evening Primrose and Chaste Tree Berry can have complementary effects to your acne treatment.
Prescription Medications
The best course of action to take is to visit a dermatologist who gives you an accurate diagnosis. They’ll then be able to determine the kind of treatment you need, whether it’s to prescribe you a topical treatment with higher concentration, or directly to prescribe you more effective (and severe) medications. The dermatologist may prescribe you antibiotics to kill the bacteria, hormonal therapy to reduce or balance your hormone levels, or isotretinoin in case everything else fails.
Lifestyle Changes
Finally, making some lifestyle changes can also help in controlling acne outbreaks. You might have heard somewhere that chocolates and nuts are culprits of making your acne worse, but there’s little scientific evidence to back that up. What is scientifically backed up, though, is that dairy and high-fat meals can make acne worse. The same goes for wearing tight clothes, sleeping with makeup on, using cosmetics that block your pores or failing to have a healthy face-wash routine.
If you’ve tried many products and were left feeling like there’s no way out of your skin condition, then we’re here to tell you that you shouldn’t despair just yet. After learning more about cystic acne and how it can be treated, the best thing you can do is visit a dermatologist to get you started. Aside from giving you an accurate diagnosis and treatment regimen, your dermatologist will also give you beneficial advice about certain lifestyle factors that you can change. It will certainly take some time, but you’ll eventually start noticing the huge progress.
What’s Next?
After finishing your course of treatment, it is possible that there will be spots on your face because of the acne. There is no need to worry about it as well as you should not feel ashamed of these spots. All you need to do is contact Masri Clinic in Birmingham. There you will get affordable plastic surgery options that will significantly improve the appearance of your face.
Moreover, plastic surgeries no longer involve medical risks, side effects, and downsides. You can opt for a suitable procedure and get done with it in no time. Considering minimal pain and recovery time plastic surgery is an excellent choice to improve your skin quality once you get rid of cystic acne.
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