Look And Stay Younger With These 6 Tips
If staying young could be the only reason for living, then most individuals could pause the clock at the time of their youth. However, we all know that’s impossible, so we can only work with alternatives. And this includes adopting various habits into your daily life to help keep aging signs at bay.
But which ones are these? Read on to equip yourself.
1. Take Supplements
Dietary Supplements are known for their amazing benefits, especially when it comes to general well-being. However, that’s not what we are referring to in this case. This is about skin slathering supplements such as ones containing Retinal and alpha lipoic acid as main ingredients. Retinal, for instance, is great triggering the gentle peeling of the skin for a more silky and rosier look. On the other hand alpha lipoic acid acts as an amazing anti-aging agent by reducing the appearance of thin lines, tightening pores among other benefits. The good thing about this lies in the fact that you can easily access such supplements over-the-counter.
2. Avoid Sleeping With Your Make-up
While the application of makeup is a great way of hiding those small faults so you get to step out with confidence, it’s never a good idea to fall asleep in them. Therefore, ensure you wash them off before you slide into your favorite pajamas. It doesn’t matter if it’s only an eyeliner, it can easily smear on the pillows and then find it on various parts of your face. When you leave your makeup on for way too long they end up clogging your pores, which could, in the long run, trigger the formation of premature anti-aging lines. And you don’t want that, right?
So simply wash it off and apply and apply an anti-aging cream. Sydney Hooper from Siorai.com says that using an anti-aging cream immediately after washing your face at night will help your skin stay smooth and firm. That way, you will wake up looking fresh and younger, ready for the day’s events.
3. Do Some Yoga
Including Yoga in your weekly exercise regimen is one sure way of achieving a youthful appearance. You see, by learning to maintain a good posture, attain flexibility and achieve peace of mind, you’re teaching your body to remain active. And that loosely translated to various anti-aging benefits. And the icing on the cake is the increased energy levels that will help you keep up with vigorous activities.
4. Sleep Well

Having sufficient sleep helps your body to store up enough energy for the next day. However, when you choose to stay awake for longer and sleep for a short time, your body will not only be suffering from puffy eyes but also fatigue. If you didn’t know, being tired is a silent monster that can forward your biological clock really fast if not addressed on time. Hereβs why;
You see, when you’re overwhelmed with fatigue, it increases the levels of cortisol, which in-return triggers the breakdown of skin collagen, thus negatively impacting your appearance.
5. Be Careful Of What You Eat/Drink
Eating just like exercising dictates how fast your body ages. Remember your body gives you back what you offer it. So if you indulge in healthy eating habits, then be ready to reap a good looking skin and vice versa. Also, feeding doesn’t only refer to food, but drinks as well. For instance, we are always advised to take an average of 8 glasses of water daily, which is good in helping the body flush out toxins that could be stuck in the pores of the skin. Water also keeps your skin hydrated thus achieving a younger appearance.
Still, on drinks, it’s advisable to stay clear of caffeine if you want to enjoy compliments for a little longer. This is because it piles up toxins in the body which could lead to long-term illnesses such as cancer and arthritis. Also, they might pile on the skin pores, thus encouraging the formation of wrinkles.
6. Relax
Learn to give yourself a break. Life stressors can lead to the formation of high levels of adrenaline and cortisol hormones that are responsible for hypertension and increased heartbeat. And these conditions take a toll on your general health, skin included.
Looking and staying younger is everyone’s dream. But since dreams can only be fulfilled, you can get yours started by going through a general lifestyle makeover. And this should include taking care of both your physical and mental health. So ensure you set time aside to relax, eat/drink healthy, exercise and get enough sleep. These don’t cost much, right?
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