6 Zen-inspired Interior Design Elements for Your Home
As the world continues to be a chaotic place for many, experiencing Zen can be a luxury nowadays. Despite chaos looming and making it difficult for you to achieve peace and rest, you may still transform your home into a den of quietness, cleanliness, and tranquility. Here are six Zen-inspired interior design elements you may place in your home:
Calming Colors
Choose a calming color palette that includes pale or soft neutrals. You can pick colors from a traditional Japanese rock garden where sandy beiges, soft grays, and muted greens are present. For example, houses in Birmingham Subdivision utilize calming neutral colors in their exteriors and interiors. Future owners will have less hassle incorporating Japanese Zen designs in their new home.
While Zen means using a calming color scheme, add pops of color to create a balanced contrast in your home. Add pale blues to mimic the coolness of the blue sky. Use bold colors you see in nature, such as bright blues, greens, pinks, reds, and oranges. Indoor plants with these colors are excellent pieces to add vibrant hues to your neutral set-up.
Natural Textures
Wood and stone are the usual textures you’ll find in a Zen garden. You may recreate this look by choosing furniture pieces made of organic materials such as bamboo, rattan, polished wood, or carved stone. For flooring, hardwood and parquet are the best choices. A handful of furniture stores that sell natural textures can be found in San Mateo, Rizal.
Counter the harsh edges and straight lines of your wooden and stone accents by introducing softer textures such as wool, silk, or satin fabrics. Add a few pillows on your couch to make it cuddlier and perfect for relaxing. For curtains, use fabrics made of natural materials such as wool or linen. These allow natural light and air inside while blocking drafts and noise from getting inside.
By mixing hard and soft natural textures, you create a balanced atmosphere notable in Zen environments.
Low-legged Furniture
Low-legged furniture pieces are suitable for transforming any room in your home into a Zen place. These also mirror Japanese interiors in both traditional and contemporary homes. Add a low couch and complement it with a low coffee table in the center of your living room. You can do the same with your dining area to create the atmosphere of a Japanese dining room.
Choosing low-legged furniture pieces fosters the feeling of more open spaces. Since your furniture will be lower, your view of the ceiling will be higher. They also create a cozier and clean ambiance, making them perfect for a Zen interior theme.
Clean Lines
You want to get short furniture pieces to maximize straight, clean lines in your home. Asian Zen decor is about keeping things simple. You want your space to look neat, minimalist, and calming. Clean lines also allow you to enjoy your space while eliminating irregularities, patterns, and visual clutter.
Natural Light
The use of light is essential in Zen decor. Maximize natural light by opening up window spaces to let light get in. Allowing as much light to get in your home imparts the feeling of openness, freedom, and being close to nature.

If you don’t have that many windows, use artificial lighting that mimics natural lighting as much as possible. Lamps and lighting fixtures with dimmer switches are perfect for mimicking sunrise and sunset. Place these lighting fixtures on your workspace to make it a conducive environment.
Strategic Storage
Zen decor is tied with minimalism. But keeping your home clutter-free is challenging as it is hard not to have things you need at home. Consider installing hidden storage in your walls or getting low-legged furniture pieces with secret compartments to maintain your home’s Zen aesthetic.
Built-in storage is ideal as they blend into your walls while keeping your precious items safe. Furniture with storage also allows you to keep your home organized without having to give up things you need for your daily routine.
Zen interiors establish a relaxing, refreshing, and peaceful environment that is good for your wellness. These six Zen decor ideas are elements you can add to your home to make your space personal, tidy, and in harmony.
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