Health Benefits of Iodine

Normal and healthy functioning of the body highly depends on iodine. This vital component is required in the body to sustain and improve its functionality. Deficiency of iodine puts one’s health at great risk. This includes mental issues, enlarged thyroid glands, improper digestion, and depression. Extreme deficiency leads to improper thyroid function and organ failure. To avoid its deficiency and these risks, it is important that iodine is consumed in adequate quantities.
Iodine can be obtained from various sources. These include iodized salt, milk, eggs, and seafood. Consuming iodine promotes a healthy lifestyle.
This post from Microbe Formulas illustrates the incredible health benefits of iodine.
Supports the immune system
Iodine activates antioxidants that improve your body’s immune system. Its shields the body from various bacteria and viruses that cannot thrive in iodine-rich environments. Lack of iodine may promote the development of heart diseases and cancer. Several toxins including chlorine and bromide are also countered by iodine. It is important as these chemicals may cause severe thyroid dysfunction. This component is therefore critical in improving and sustaining the body’s defense mechanisms.
Improved reproductive system
Several reproductive conditions arise as a result of iodine deficiency. These include uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, vaginitis, and even breast cancer. Sufficient iodine intake ensures that the occurrence of these conditions is minimized. Healthy pregnancies and normal growth of fetus are also promoted by this vital component. Iodine also improves the mental health of an unborn child. Physical health promoted by iodine in unborn children includes improved birth weight, reduced cases of autism and reduced premature and stillbirths. It is therefore important that pregnant women consume sufficient iodine for their health and that of their children.
Iodine prevents hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is the enlargement of thyroid glands located in the neck. This condition is associated with rapid weight gain that is dangerous to human health and often promotes heart diseases. This condition also leads to slowed body functioning, poor concentration, indigestion, constipation, and swelling. Adequate consumption of iodine will avert this condition completely. Iodine is therefore important in the prevention of hypothyroidism and its adverse effects. As this condition is challenging to cure, prevention of its occurrence is of extreme importance.
Regulated metabolism
The body’s metabolic rate is controlled by thyroid glands. Iodine fuels thyroid glands which in turn produce thyroxine and triiodothyronine hormones. These hormones aid in the absorption of food in the body and its conversion to energy. Controlled metabolism ensures that stored body fat is limited to certain levels thus maintaining healthy body weight. Regulated metabolism also promotes healthy bone development and muscle strength. Iodine is therefore essential in weight loss and proper distribution of energy in the body thus making you active and energized.
Sustained cognitive abilities
Iodine deficiency not only slows down the body’s activities but the brain’s as well. A drop in cognitive abilities and brain activity is usually related to low iodine levels. Constant iodine intake is known to improve mental health, brain function, and cognitive capabilities. This is especially vital in growing children and aging people. Productivity in working adults will also depend on iodine levels in the body. Adequate iodine in your system means improved productivity when handling any tasks at hand. It’s therefore imperative that optimum iodine levels in your body be maintained thus keeping your brain sharp.
Protection against radiation
Nuclear exposure can lead to catastrophic absorption of radioactive elements. These radioactive elements may lead to thyroid gland injury which will weaken your body. Iodine plays a vital role in protecting thyroid glands from radiation injury. This is therefore essential to people working in radiation prone areas. Iodine is also used in treating patients exposed to radiation treatments. This protects such patients from cancer development and recurrence after the treatment.
Improved oral health
Oral health is highly promoted by iodine. Harmful bacteria in the mouth are killed by iodine thereby preventing cavities and tooth decay. Iodine also plays a vital role in calcium absorption and synthesis thus strong teeth. As cavities and tooth decay often lead to dullness and weak teeth, iodine will boost your mood and strengthen your teeth. Being a disinfectant, iodine keeps the mouth fresh and odorless. This is critical, especially to people constantly developing toothaches and bad breath.
Regular consumption of iodine is a wise choice. The above-described benefits are a clear indication that this component cannot be ignored. All these benefits are obtained when the right amount of iodine is consumed. Observing your iodine intake will, therefore, be beneficial to your health and your productivity too.
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