My Life Goals this 2018
Every year, we should set up life goals so that we have things to look forward in reaching. Today, I’m going to share to you some of my Life Goals for this year.
1. Reach 55Kg – As of now I am 58kg and my ideal weight is around 50-55kg.
2. Save at least P100,000 – I printed an Ipon Challenge worksheet to reach this goal. I would like to use this fund for my 40th birthday that I’m hoping to spent with my family out of the country.
3. Replenish Emergency Fund – We had some investments already, and most financial advisers will tell you to have an emergency fund first. I didn’t follow the guide, so I would like to do it this year.
4. Be Closer To God – After the holiday, there were some questions in my mind that I want to get an answer.
5. Pamper my Mom – She deserves it.
6. Have a Monthly Date (just the 2 of us) with my husband
7. Β Clean The House – I would like to de-clutter one of our rooms so that Ren can use it for his toy review and since he’s getting older, it will be his own room too.
8. Learn Photography – I’m planning to buy a new camera that will help me improve my photography skills. I’m now watching YouTube photography tips as my guide.
9. Learn Hand lettering/Calligraphy – I always wanted to learn how to do this since I believe I have a nice penmanship, but I was not able to do it last year. I’m planning to do at least one creation every week.
10. Learn New Dishes – I want to learn to cook more dishes that I can cook for my family.
How about you, what’s yours?
To be more hands on with my two kids, especially i have 2 mos old now.
Be more positive.
Welcome 2018 open arms and be ready for every challenges that will come along.
Happy New Year Mommy Levy!