Special Parenting: Double the Hardships, Double the Rewards
Having a child is one of the dreams of every married couple. Parenting starts when you learned that you’re pregnant. It is when you start doing extra things like taking vitamins, eating the right food and avoiding stress for the baby inside your belly. You also start planning for his/her arrival and his/her future.
You like to plan for everything, but what you didn’t know is God will surprise you with something that is bigger than what you’re expecting…….. we got a unique child.
Raising a special child was hard. You need to be tough, have a lot of patience and of course resources to provide what he/she needs.
This musings is brought to you by Mcdonald’s latest commercial… nakakaiyak sya bes!
What I did not understand that time was my son was having sensory issues. He doesn’t like to enter because the sound was too loud for him. Imagine yourself inside a loud room, di ba masakit sa tenga?…. the effect on him is double on what ordinary people feels and hear.
When he was diagnosed to have Autism, my world was crushed… pano na lahat ng plano ko? Anong gagawin ko? were the questions on my head that time. But I cannot live in denial and do nothing about it. I did some research and tips on what to do, we attend therapy sessions regularly and instead of hiding him, I exposed him to the world. When he doesn’t met my expectations I usually cry at night.
But I realized, kids are not perfect, I am not perfect and yet I grew up okay and doing fine. We told ourselves to just savor every day and shower him with love and kindness whatever happens.
My husband and I supported and did everything we could to help him catch up and get along with ordinary people. Thankfully he’s doing great now and compared before, there’s a lot of improvement from his development already. I am thankful I was able to see all the ups and downs of my son’s growing years.
In society’s standard, my son might be delayed in some areas but I’m confident that through proper guidance he will be able to handle himself well when he grows up.
From a boy who could barely talk at the age of three, now he can present and report in front of the class, answer questions and he even has his own YouTube channel doing toy reviews.
My son also thought me a lot of things. Whenever I worry he always tell me this “mom, all is well, just relax!”.
I know our challenges are not yet over, but with God’s help we will continue to love him and support him of his endeavor. Whether he finishes first, last, or not at all, for us, he’ll still be the best and that’s what parenting is all about.
Every child is unique and your child is adorable. I salute you sis
Oftentimes, we learn from our kids. They teach us – intentionally or otherwise- life lessons . Accepting this gift from God is such a noble way a good parent should do. Kudos to you and your husband.
I respect so much the parents who have kids that have autism or special needs. For me your doing the right thing for your son. They are not different from the others. They are special in many ways.
I’ve had read many sweet stories of families with children who has autism. Looking at your son, I can already feel how he is very much loved. Look at his smile.
I totally agree, parents love their children “inspite of” and not “because of.” Ren is doing pretty well because he is blessed with parents like you and Noel.
I love this Mommy! Very fitting post as we celebrate autism month. I love how you embraced what the Lord blessed you with and nurtured that gift to be a fine young man that he is now. Proud of you and the wonderful things you do!
I never would have guessed that Ren has autism! He’s so inspiring nga eh coz he’s doing so well with his YouTube videos. Keep up the good work. 🙂
I noticed that today, too much pressure is placed on kids to do this and that – and for me, that’s just soo wrong. Kids learn at their own pace, some might be “slower” compared to the others, but each of them have their strengths too 🙂
Kudos to you mommy and to your son for all your efforts and his progress! 🙂 That commercial really strikes a cord with us moms.
Awww your child really is special, and he is so blessed to have you as his mum! I could relate to this because even though my son is not on the autism spectrum, he had sensory issues when he was younger. He hated loud sounds, too. I think it’s when they are understood and their sensory issues are gently handled that they learn to trust even when afraid.
Happy for you and your child mommy. With all the achievements that your child has accomplished as early as now, he has definitely showed the world that he really is a special gift from God!
Having a special needs child is indeed a roller-coaster ride but it opens up a different perspective in how we see things. It is the most amazing thing, really. 🙂
I always admire moms/parents of special kids. My sis in law is one and i can seehow hard it is. Each child is unique and no matter what condition they have, they deserve to be loved..
Had I not read this blog entry I wouldn’t have thought that he had autism! That means you’ve been doing a great job. 🙂
each kid is unique
no one can say that a child of them is perfect
what’s the perfect thing?
it’s our love for them no matter what
raising a child is no ordinary matter and i salute you for the kind of strength that u have
Every child is a gift from God and I admire how supportive and loving you are towards your son. I have faith that he will grow up to be a fine young man since he has a nurturing environment.
Kids have different ways of teaching us lessons. Your son is such a sweetheart.
You are an inspiration for moms out there. I salute you for raising a beautiful child and for never giving up on him. He is lucky to have you by his side.
I have deep admiration and high respect for autism moms. Yes, we are all MOMS but we know autism moms have it harder. I salute you mommy and it looks like you are doing a wonderful job. He looks happy and even doing toy reviews!