Avoid Lice with LiceAliz shampoo!
Girls are not the only one who gets lice, my son also had it before. I don’t know if he got it from me or from his classmates or maybe from the surroundings. I saw the lice on the bottom part of his hair when I was brushing it.
I also observed that he can’t go to sleep quickly and soundly every night because he keeps on scratching his head. It’s a good thing I found out about Licealiz.
Licealiz is a head lice treatment shampoo with conditioning formula manufactured by Lamoiyan Corporation. An active ingredient found in it is pyrethrin which kills lice and nits fast. Licealiz is non-toxic and is safe to use regularly to keep lice from coming back. It is cheaper than other brands that are available in drugstores.
Its main component is Pyrethrin, an all natural ingredient from the Chrysantimum Flowers, which is proven effective in killing lice.
What I like about this shampoo besides the cheap price is that it smells really good. My son and I have used it, until the itchiness and lice was all gone.
It is very effective, that now, every time I go to the drugstore I would buy some and give it to my niece. (Also read some tips here on how to avoid getting lice- http://livinglifetodfullest.blogspot.com/2009/10/deped-bought-overprice-anti-head-lice.html)
Here is the commercial to know more about the benefits of using this shampoo
how much the licealiz shampoo sachet
from the last time I bought one in Mercury, it’s P9.00 per sachet