Benefits of Wheatgrass, and why we and our kids should take it
The Easy Phamax room at Cityland Makati was full of laughter when me and my niece entered. In front was Ms. Dyan Castillejo with her only son Matthew. She was telling stories about her healthy lifestyle and how she had also influenced her son to eat healthy and be active in sports just like her.
Matthew grew up joining his mom at her tapings. He always saw what she was doing and whatever she was eating and that is the reason why this little man is also a health buff.
Dyan told us that she doesn’t like to be seated in front of the computer or TV or just doing nothing, she wants to move all the time. I was surprised that Matthew, as young as 9 years old, already tried many fearless adventures. Dyan lets Matthew explore the world, and she is very much confident that he will be okay.
She said that Matthew eats 85% healthy foods and only allowed to eat bacon or drink iced tea a few times. She lets her son do anything he wants and she support him all the way. My heart was touched when this little man said to Dyan that he is proud to be her son (wow!).
One question that went through my head at that time was: How did this young boy catches up with all the activities at school? He said that he takes Easy Pha-max Whea-Gee Chewables and loves to drink Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass Honey.
Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass is a Super Food with 13 vitamins, 10 minerals, 17 amino acids and more than 100 enzymes. One sachet of wheatgrass is as nutritionally valuable as 10 kilograms the choicest vegetables! Wheatgrass is loaded with antioxidants that keep cells protected and healthy. It promotes regular bowel movement and improves digestion with the use of natural oligosacharides that promote growth of good bacteria in your child’s digestive system. Wheatgrass has more chlorophyll and alkaline minerals than any other green vegetable, protecting your child from sickness. It aids in their mental and physical development too!
The Easy Pha-max Whea-Gee Chewables maximizes your child’s potential by combining the wonders of WHEATGRASS plus the benefits of COLOSTRUMS in a chewable tablet that your kids will surely enjoy! Colostrums contain nature’s perfect balance of Immune Factors and Essential Nutrients to protect your child from diseases and support optimal growth and development.
My niece that I brought along at the event likes the taste of the Wheatgrass Honey but did not like the chewables. When we arrived home, I gave my son the Whea-Gee Chewables to see if he will like it’s taste or not, and I was surprised that unlike my niece, my son loves it so much.
Dyan said that Matthew gets sick seldom, maybe only once a year. That being said, I think I will continue to give Ren the Whea-Gee chewables and I hope just like Matthew, he will not get sick often, well of course that is possible if he will also have an active lifestyle (oh well, my son is so active so that is not a problem at all LOL)
Matthew, my niece-Allenase, me and Dyan Castillejo (photo courtesy of Vix of ) |
Ahh that’s good. Good thing that your son loved it mommy. Probably, there are ones tlaga that loves particular thing while others don’t. How I wish I can be like Dyan. hahaha but I guess, for now full time mommy lang talaga..
Wow! Ren really liked the Whea-Gees? Jade likes it also but Jakei initially didn’t like the taste. He only started asking for the Whea-Gees when he saw how Jade and I loved them.