Be amaze with Wahmaholic Blog Designs!
A blog represents it’s owner identity. If you want to be unique and to stand out, then going for a blog make over is the wisest thing to do. But in doing so you would have to spend some money of course (but that’s what makeover is all about). Even celebrities go through a total make-over but once people love their looks then everything they have spent for the make over will be doubled and tripled since advertisers will surely get them.
This can also be true about a blog. A blog, even how nice an article is, if the theme looks boring then people will just glance at it for a second and maybe never come back. If you want people to remember your blog then do not only create interesting articles but also you should enhance the looks of your blog since as what they say “first impressions last“.
That is why if you want to be recognized in the blogosphere, then I suggest you to go and consider a blog makeover but you have to choose someone that is already established in this field.
Kaye Mendez of Wahmaholic Blog Designs is one of the best blog designer that we have now. A blog that was designed by her is equaled to a celebrity that wore a gown made by top designers like Rajo Laurel, Paul Cabral or Inno Sotto.
You don’t believe me? then check out what her clients say about her designs HERE!
Her portfolio will make you awe, that is why when she announced that she will have a JUNE BLOG MAKE OVER contest I did not hesitate to join since she will be giving away a full Blogger or WordPress blog makeover worth up to $150.
I know this blog of mine needs a fabulous make over and I am begging you to please help me win. All you need to do is to LIKE WAHMaholicBlogDesigns in Facebook and post this in their wall:Β “I was referred by Levy”.
This really means a lot to me and I will appreciate all your help.
what ever happens in life we should always remember to live life to the fullest
good luck on the giveaway mommy levs! mwah!