Our thanksgiving contest will start TODAY! A total of $200 cash prize is up for grab!
Online contests gave a lot of opportunities to my husband and I. We are both internet savvy, we spend almost all the day of our life in front of the computer. Hubby is a certified nerd and a graphic artist, the internet brings a lot of online opportunities for him. He is fond on joining art and design competitions and luckily won several of them.
He is the one who introduced me to the different online opportunities in the internet. I once became a Facebook application addict for a while (Farmville and Restaurant City), but after a month, I realized that I’ve been wasting my time on those things. That’s why when I saw some contests that don’t need some designing skills I didn’t hesitate to join. I even became active in the blogosphere and gained a lot of online friends.

Accredited Online Degrees
On joining online contest we lost on some, but we also won big time on a few of the contests. Last year was the luckiest year for both of us. We had won on several contests and because of those prizes we had paid off some of our long time debt. I do believe in this saying wholeheartedly, “Share your blessings with others.” Whenever we receive a blessing we never fail to give back something to other people, to church or to charity.
And now, we want to give thanks to all the people who never stopped helping and always supports us. If I am asking for votes, you never failed to let us down. That’s why we came up with this “Thanksgiving contest”. Of course, this will not be a big one if not because of my dearest sponsors. I am so touched with all your support.
So, what’s for grab?
4th & 5th Prize: $10 each
Consolation Prize: $5 plus AD SPACES will be raffled to 5 people
also the first 5 people to blog about this contest will automatically get $3 each.
UPDATE: the early bird slots were already taken, check the list of winners here
Designer’s Depot
Mga Kwentong Maalamat
Hearts content of a Mama
My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf
Pensive Thoughts
Spread the Word!
Pinkville- Pink and Magic Convergence Zone
Make more Money
BHO: Blogurdian Hellsite Overcrashed
Earn Money Online with Red
My Red Hot Reviews
The Adventurous Little Prince
A Woman Remembers
My Journey to Life
All About Life
Anything Baguio
My Random Best
Tricks of Magician
Mom Fashionista
Travel Junkie Mommy
Reviews Inc.
Sexy Blogging
Novice on Blogging
Camera Sexy
At Home Here
Make or Break
Dishes by Pehpot
Lifestyle Magazine for Moms
Bloggityboop- The Magic of Mommyhood
Mommy’s Infodose
Kitchen Trips
Llamas Journal – Ad space
Sharing My Thoughts– Ad space
Something to Live By– Ad space
Wonderful World of Peachy– Ad space
Sweet Thoughts and Wonderful Life– Ad space
I would like to thank Pehpot for helping me do this scroll down thing.
You can just copy and paste the sponsors list and sidebar widget on your blog. If you have some suggestions and if I had some mistakes in the URL please let me know.
2. I need to increase the list of my followers so be sure to add yourself there. And if you are already a follower just indicate it in the comment section. If I reach 200 or more followers I will look out for some goodies to give away. – tell me what username you use.
3. Next thing you should do is you should subscribe to my RSS Feed and at my husband’s RSS Feed as well. – indicate here the email address you used to verify it.
Enter your email address:
Delivered by FeedBurner
Enter your email address:
Delivered by FeedBurner
4. After doing the first three steps, you should make a separate post, and answer this question: “What will you do if you will win $100?” Pictures are highly appreciated. Just be honest here. I don’t need a very dramatic post. I will ask people to rate your entry based on the following criteria:
50%- creativity of write up
30%- popularity of blog post
20%- general impact
NOTE: You should finish all the steps in order for your entry to qualify.
Then kindly share your entry in Facebook and ask friends to LIKE and LEAVE COMMENTs in your entry (remember that one of the criteria for judging is the popularity of your blogpost). At the end or at the beginning of your article you should indicate that it’s your official entry to this contest – leave the blog post URL and facebook username here.
Only blogs that are at least 1 month old with at least 10 posts are qualified to join in this contest. Sponsors are welcome to join also.
CONTEST PERIOD: June7-June 30, 2010.
Announcement of winners will be on JULY 4
I told you this will be an easy peasy contest!!! Let’s get the party rolling…
what ever happens in life we should always remember to live life to the fullest
Im too late. Nevertheless, Goodluck to all winners.
I just want to ask, how do you ask others to be one of the sponsors?
Here’s an update:
1. URL of the blog post about the contest with the sponsors link.
2. URL of the blog where my contest badge was placed.
3. Name used to subscribe in my Google Follower
4. Email address used to subscribe in our RSS Feeds (Living Life to the Fullest and Designer’s Depot) and please don’t forget to verify it.
5. URL of your post answering the question “What will you do if you will win $100”
6. URL of your FB wall where you shared your post to the No.5 question. (I need this to check the popularity of your entry). Ask friends to LIKE it and leave comment in your blog post.
(Located on blog post)
Good luck all!
I’m sorry sow for the late reply. Gano na ba katagal yung post mo? If pasok sya sa contest duration (June7-June30) then it’s fine pero pag hindi na, Hindi na pwede syempre. Habol ka pa may 1 day ka pa naman.
first, the deadline’s gonna be tomorrow. so for heaven’s sake, can you answer this inquiry of mine? LOL
can i join a recently published post? pls let me know w/in dis day. thanks and more power! :p
Already a follower: nicquee
Subscribed using: frances dot nicole at ymail dot com
My entries are as follows:
***I already followed you few days ago as Sarah,
***contest bar on my sidebar
***subscribed and confirmed in both of your blog and your hubby — greenerlife03 at gmail dot com
***blog about the contest — http://www.sarahg26.com/2010/06/wanna-win-200-in-contest.html
***The Question… “What will you do if you will win”… here’s the post…http://www.sarahg26.com/2010/06/my-desire-if-i-win.html
Thank you so much Levy for allowing me to join.
Hi Levy,
I hope i did all the things correctly.
1. Contest widget on the sidebar at http://gadfreaks.blogspot.com
2. Blogged about the contest at http://gadfreaks.blogspot.com/2010/06/im-back-to-win-100.html
3. Followed your blog as Sourav.
4. Subscribed to both your and Noel’s blog with the email titan_90@rediffmail.com
5. Answered to the question at http://gadfreaks.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-will-i-do-with-100.html
6. Shared it on FB at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1440670237&v=wall&story_fbid=135760056450226&ref=mf
My FB profile is http://www.facebook.com/titan7585
I hope its never too late ^_^
and here is my post for the contest….
“Thanksgiving Contest”
“What will you do if you will win $100?”
Here are the tasks I made.
Blogged about the contest – http://yashirokuru.blogspot.com/2010/06/noel-levys-thanksgiving-contest.html
Placed the banner on my blogs sidebar
followed – yashiro
subscribed on both using yashiro@yahoo.com
Separate post http://yashirokuru.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-will-i-do-with-100.html
hi, not sure if I can still join, is it still open? Hope you will still allow me…
Sis, here is everything…
Blogged about the contest here:
badge is on the sidebar too.
I am your long time follower via GFC and Networked blogs and blog reader (Ellen Joy/ Ellen Joy Castel)
I’ve subscribed to both blogs (ejcayaba@gmail.com)
My entry is here: http://www.bloggityboop.info/2010/06/100-mommy-dilemma.html
and the link to my FB post-share is:
Good luck to all of us weeee!
1. Blog about it here: http://www.iluvcontests.com/2010/06/join-noel-levys-thanksgiving-giveaway.html
Contest Badge here: http://www.iluvcontests.com/
2. Followed you through google connect using Mommy Rubz.
3. Subscribed to both Living Life to the Fullest and Designer’s Depot RSS feed via email using mommyrubz (at) hotmail.com
4. What will I do if I win $100? Here’s my post about it: http://www.pinaymommyonline.com/2010/06/what-will-i-do-if-i-win-100.html
5. Shared at Facebook for others to like here: http://www.facebook.com/pinaymommy?v=wall&story_fbid=110408992339952
blog follower: ladymishel
blog post with sponsors: http://bucketofkisses.blogspot.com/2010/06/join-noel-and-levys-thanksgiving.html
my official entry: http://bucketofkisses.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-will-i-do-with-my-100.html
I subscribed via email and confirmed on both: michelle_ej08[at]yahoo[dot]com
shared my official entry on FB: http://www.facebook.com/michelle.ame?v=wall&story_fbid=111031005611714
shared about this contest on FB:
FB username: Michelle Oraña-Ame
Subscribe: jeswindamontalban@yahoo.com
Followed: jeswindamontalban
Facebook: jeswinda@yahoo.com
Hello sis i just added the sponsor widget and completed the 3 steps.Thank you.
Here is my answer to the question
or http://networkedblogs.com/55iQ1
Followed: jeswindamontalban
subscribe: jeswindamontalban@yahoo.com
Hello sis! I already followed and subscribed to your blog already.Just finish installing the contest widget.
Here is my answer to the question
http://tuklaserangtipid.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-will-you-do-if-you-will-win-100.html.Thank you and more power.
Here’s the URL of my contest entry, Levy:http://www.pensivethoughts.com/2010/06/what-will-i-do-if-i-win-100.html
Here’s the URL of my contest entry on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=800979588
I already sent before the URL of the post on the contest and sponsors. Thanks!
sis please change the email I subscribed.. it’s pehcats@gmail.com
ill be using that mail from now on
hi just here to say I followed your blog also will grab your button this is not an entry just want to make friends and followers kindly do the same thanks.
hi dear, ive joined your contest and i hope its not too late..hhehe
1. Ive already do a post about this contest
2. Followed you
3. Put your badge on my sidebar
4. Subscribe to your 2 feedburner;
5. Do a post about what will i do if i winn $100?
Please let me know if i lack some requirements..thanks
Hi Levy this are the FB links that my sister share to her wall
And this is the link to the contest that I share in my FB wall.
Hi Levy and Noel,
Please see my entry:
Please let me know if this is valid thru: jbiadog@yahoo.com
done at fb http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/isherrygo?v=wall&story_fbid=127065773999121
hi, change ko lang link ng FB ko. heheh
blog post — http://redcontestcraze.blogspot.com/2010/06/thankful-about-something.html
badge can be found here http://redcontestcraze.blogspot.com and http://www.redismarose.com/
name of google follower — redamethyst / marose
email address to subscribe – – redamethyst.subscribe@gmail.com
url of official entry — http://www.redismarose.com/2010/06/100-divided-into-three/
FB link — http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=1216883190&v=wall&story_fbid=136312666385772&ref=mf
Hi this is my blog post
and posted in in facebook http://www.facebook.com/stonibert?v=app_2309869772
may kulang pa ba me???
Hi, I completed the requirements:
blog post — http://redcontestcraze.blogspot.com/2010/06/thankful-about-something.html
badge can be found here http://redcontestcraze.blogspot.com and http://www.redismarose.com/
name of google follower — redamethyst / marose
email address to subscribe – – redamethyst.subscribe@gmail.com
url of official entry — http://www.redismarose.com/2010/06/100-divided-into-three/
FB link — http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1216883190&v=wall&story_fbid=131756063520559&ref=mf
Hello! Just passing by and want to congratulate you with the contest that you have started. I think it is going fine. I am sorry but I cannot join this contest because my class schedule is insane! I have 7 major subjects and 3 of them are all programming subjects. I hope you will understand.
But you can update about the winners so I can put his/her banner on my blog. Goodluck and more power! =))
-Llama’s Journal
Hi Levy I enter your thanks giving contest. My first post is found here
~ Place the button in the left sidebar of my blog.
~ I am now your newest follower- user name shahz
~ subscribed to you and your hubby rss feed and verified the using this email elieza_luke@yahoo.com
~ and last here is my blog post to the question “What will you do if you will win $100?”
Thank you and good luck to us all.
hi Levy!
1. Blogged about the contest
badge is on the sidebar too.
2. I am your long time follower via GFC and Networked blogs and blog reader (Ellen Joy/ Ellen Joy Castel)
3. I’ve subscribed to both blogs (ejcayaba@gmail.com)
4. But I haven’t answered the hundred dollar question yet.. to follow yun 🙂
Very nice contest ah 😀
Your blog contest’s banner is already on my blog’s sidebar.
I also blogged about this contest. Here’s the link:
I’m now following you through Google connect with this account I’m using to comment. I also followed you on Networked Blogs. 🙂
my email: blankpixels0 (at) yahoo.com
Subscribed to your RSS feed and your husband’s using this email:
blankpixels0 (at) yahoo.com
What will I do if I win $100? Here’s my post about it:
I already shared this post in Facebook. Here’s the link to it:
I don’t have a Like button on my blog. I hope, though, that the likes and comments on my post on Facebook will count, if there’s any. 🙂
By the way, Levy, my Facebook account isn’t open for public viewing so I added you up. Hope you don’t mind. 🙂
Thank you for this giveaway, Levy! Indeed, we’re all blessed. 🙂
Good luck to all who joined! 🙂
Hi..Just a question. Would you be also counting the likes on our FB accounts? Thanks
Hi. Additional Facebook profile is
Here’s the link on FB :
Hi there..Here’s my details:
For the contest and sponsors :
For the entry post:
Followed u : EihdraG
Facebook : EihdraG
Subscribed to both your blogs:
Badge already in the sidebar.
here is my FB post for the contest
1. blog post with contest sponsors-
contest badge on the right sidebar-
followed you already-tatess
3. subscribed and confirmed subscription to both you and hubby
4. separate post as answer to the $100 question-
ano ngagwin ko jan?
1. Blogged about the contest with the list of sponsors
2. Followed this blog through Google Connect
Random Blog Contest
3. Subscribed to your blogs via email
4. Answered the question in a separate post
5. Created a fan page for people to like
6. Added the badge on my sidebar, too.
I’m joining, too! I’ve already followed your blog, subscribed to your and your husband’s RSS Feeds, and wrote about this thanksgiving contest. Here’s the URL:
My separate post on the question What will I do if I win $100? will be posted within the week. I still have to think of a good answer to that one. I will come back again for the URL of that post. Thanks!
This is for my FB likes. 🙂
sorry, this is my shared link in FB: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000036426234#!/angelrhona?v=wall&story_fbid=108815515833407
My blog post to the question: http://angelrhona.blogspot.com/2010/06/if-i-win-100.html
my answer to the question shared of FB: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=lf#!/angelrhona
Here is my post about your contest in facebook. 🙂
Hi sis! You already have the link to my post about your contest.
here’s the link to my post about the 100 dollars: http://verabear.net/2010/06/with-100-i-will/
I’m following you using twitter.com/verabear
I also subscribed to your RSS (also Noel’s) with vera(@)verabear.net
My FB username is also verabear.
Did I miss anything? 🙂
I just shared this on facebook
Thanks! hope everything’s okay.
i’m back,
here is my entry for the question
and here is my fb profile is http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=559371606#!/profile.php?id=559371606&v=wall
Am already a follower of your blog – Chin chin
Subscribed to both feeds using vhomemom@gmail.com
Here’s my blog post entry: http://stay-at-home-blessings.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-will-you-do-if-you-win-100.html
and shared it on FB: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=582093080
ate levy, here’s my entry..
1. Blogged about the contest via Levy and Noel, $200 Thanksgiving Contest
2. Contest widget is running at my sidebar
3. Subscribed to both feeds, Designer’s Depot and Living Life to the Fullest using gerlene226@gmail.com
4. http://sweet-gerlene.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-will-i-do-if-i-win-100.html –
5. http://networkedblogs.com/4QEUD – FB post
tell me n lang po if me kulang pa…tnx tnx
Hi Levy, forgot the facebook requirement 😉
here it is http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/dinah.ladao
Hello, hope I have completed the requirements
my blog entry for the question
my facebook
thanks and more power!
Eto pala yong sa FB ko nabura ko yung dati hehe eto yun men😉
1. Blogged about the contest via Levy and Noel, $200 Thanksgiving Contest
2. Contest widget is running at my sidebar
3. Subscribed to both feeds, Designer’s Depot and Living Life to the Fullest using icemanx51[at]gmail.com
4. Created a separate post here for the $100 question.
5. Shared it with my FB click here
6. I’m already a follower [Mga Kwentong ma Alamat]
Here is my lacking detail:
Shared on Facebook
facebook username : julie.vilbar
I joined your contest here.
Subcribed to both blogs using vivapinay@gmail.com
Followed you under vivapinay
Added your badge in my sidebar
Will be back tomorrow for the other question. Thanks a lot!
blogged with the sponsors:
answer for the question what will i do if i win $100:
google reader:
Badge: at my header
hi levy! i am joining the contest. following your site long time ago and subscribed to your blog and noel’s blog.
you can see my post about the contest here…
and my separate post here…
p.s. put the contest widget on the sidebars of my 2 sites…
I am joining as well 🙂
1) Blogged about the contest:
Contest widget is on my sidebar
2) Already a follower: jules67
3) Subscribed via RSS Feed to both : Living Life to the Fullest and Designer’s Depot
4) Separate post about : “What will you do if you will win $100?”
Thanks for this great opportunity
Blogged about your contest @http://www.writtenbymys.com/2010/06/thanksgiving-contest.html
Here’s my answer to your $100 question
Goodluck to all who participated!
Hi, I know I can still catch up….
I followed you and already posted this contest in blog today.
Already placed your widget on the sidebar
Will come back soon to give you details on my post on $100 question.
I already blogged about your contest here
I subscribed in your RSS feeds using this email carpe_malaya@yahoo.com.ph
I followed you in photobucket: carpemalaya
Embedded your contest thumbnail at my blog’s sidebar.
Will be back tomorrow for the answer to your question.
Thanks a lot!
Blog about it here:
subscribed to your blog using melandriaromero@gmail.com
My contest entry:
Post it to my facebook page for voting;
And I’ve also indicated that the blog post is my official entry to your contest. 🙂
My Answer
Thank you once again.:)
1. I have placed the widget on my sidebar under Contests. 🙂
2. I have blogged about the contest complete with the sponsors. 🙂
A Thanksgiving Contest
3. I have followed you as Janinay.
4. I have subscribed to your and your husband’s RSS Feeds using ja9_nina[at]yahoo[dot]com
5. I have answered the question in this post. $100 Contest Answer
6. I have shared it on Facebook as well. 🙂
Thank you very much contest holders and good luck to all who joined.
God bless everyone!:)
Count me in!
I blog about this contest here
I followed your site using Mylene.
I subscribed to and to your husband’s site using mylenerabago (at) gmail (dot) com. I confirmed my subscriptions.
I will be back for the step four 🙂
toinks. I didn’t read the entire mechanics before I commented. 🙂 I’ll come back to let you know when I’ve done number 4. 1 through 3 are done already 🙂
I blogged about your contest here: http://verabear.net/2010/06/noel-and-levys-thanksgiving-contest/
I also followed you using my Twitter profile verabear 🙂
1. Blog about this contest Here http://addicted2contest.blogspot.com/2010/06/200-cash-prize-is-up-for-grab-with-noel.html
2. I am now a follower Zh3en22
3. Subscriber to Living Life to the Fullest and o Designer’s Depot
4. Answer the question here http://addicted2contest.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-will-you-do-if-you-will-win-100.html
5. Shared on fb here http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000127647159 and here http://twitter.com/zh3en22
Great contest!
1. Blogged about the contest http://mukhangpera.com/2010/06/contest-win-over-200-in-cash-and-prizes/
2. Followed both blogs – ako.ay AT mukhangpera.com
3. Blogged my answer – http://mukhangpera.com/2010/06/what-will-you-do-if-you-will-win-100/
4. Posted the link of my blog answer on FB – http://www.facebook.com/reynangkagandahan?v=wall&story_fbid=100464640005659
Hi Noel and Levy, I joined the contest and posted the blog and the essay in my Facebook. My facebook username is Emily Tan Cal. http://www.facebook.com/search/?post_form_id=0d3bb7faa970780c9b7341693e8e4c89&q=&init=quick&ref=search_loaded#!/emily.cal
I have another blog, http://www.milay68.blogspot.com. You can also check that out.
Thank you very much.
Have a great day!
Here is my entry to the question “What will you do if you win $100? I had a lot of fun answering this question, hi hi hi. Hope you had as much fun reading it!
Hi! Glad to have stumbled on your contest:-)
1. Blogged about it here: http://okayukay.blogspot.com/2010/06/living-life-to-fullest-thanksgiving.html
2. The link is on the sidebar as well
3. followed you Dinah
4. subscribed to both your feeds using dinah.ladao[at]gmail[dot]com
5. Will answer the question and comeback to you with the links!
Goodluck on your contest and thanks for sharing your blessings!
Thank you for this thanksgiving contest!
1. Blog post with contest sponsors – http://well888.blogspot.com/2010/06/living-life-to-fullest-and-designers.html
2. Contest badge is in my sidebar (top right) – http://well888.blogspot.com
2. I am already your avid blog follower and my name is Fhaye. Just look at my Two cute pictures at your Google Followers widget. 🙂
3. Subscribed to both blogs for RSS feeds – livingwell888 (at) gmail (dot) com
4. Post as answer to the $100 question – http://well888.blogspot.com/2010/06/win-one-hundred-us-dollars.html
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=632150302&v=wall&story_fbid=134199609927693 is my facebook post 🙂
my facebook profile: http://www.facebook.com/christine.amador
Hi Everyone! don’t forget to ask friends to leave comment in your official entry and like your blog post in your FB account. Popularity of blog post counts 30% of the criteria in judging
Goodluck to all!!!
BLOGGED (with sponsors’ links): http://pinaymama.com/2010/06/noel-and-levys-thanksgiving-contest/
BLOGGED (contest entry): http://pinaymama.com/2010/06/if-i-win-100/
PUT CONTEST BADGE: sidebar of http://pinaymama.com/
FOLLOWED: using username pinaymama
SUBSCRIBED & CONFIRMED (to both blogs): using email maldita13(at)gmail(dot)com
SHARED AT FACEBOOK: facebook.com/phoebemendez
Hi Levy and Noel, it’s been a while, hope all is well. Goodluck on your contest! It’s nice. I want to join. hehe!
ayan na po hehe
sorry naman at nahuli.. jusme nakatulog ako ng maaga nung sabi ko sau antay ako
isip pa ako ng creative post.. try ko muna magdrama..
SIGURADUHIN mo lang na pag nanalo ako e hindi mo na ako papapuntahin kung san san ha.. para lang bigyan ako ng isang case..
salamat sa pakikinig hehe
I saw this from Entrecard and decided to join this contest. It’s fun win or lose! 🙂
– placed contest widget on the sidebar, here’s the link: http://earnonline-newbie.blogspot.com
– blog post for the contest link is here:
– followed you: Lisa (username)
– subscribed both Noel and Levy’s RSS feeds. lisaquidlat@yahoo.com
– separate post for the question.
– Lastly, I created a Fan page for this contest that includes my post for the contest and questions and shared this in my wall also.
username: lisaquidlat@yahoo.com
link for the Fan page:
That’s it! 🙂 Good luck to us guys! 😀
im a follower already: chris
i subscribed to both using amador.christine @ gmail.com
put the banner on http://www.mommyjourney.com
blogged about it:
shared on FB : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=701157498&v=wall&story_fbid=125790674122419&ref=mf
Already posted my entry in Facebook. Here’s the blog post URL:
Facebook Name: Lourdes Espanol
Facebook Post URL:
here is my entry : http://luckyzoan.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-will-i-do-if-i-won-100.html
hala. di ko pa nabasa mechanics. anyway, pede pa ba mag sponsor? sensya na, busy ang lola mo ehe.
banner side bar:http://ringcontest.blogspot.com/
email subsribed both blogs
sherrygo at ymail dot com
blogged contest
blogged http://ringcontest.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-will-you-do-if-you-will-win-100.html
I already blogged about your contest. Here’s the link:
I already subscribed to your and your husband’s RSS feed. The email I used is gorgeous8831@yahoo.com.
Hi! I’m already a follower of your blog under the name of Lourdes Espanol. Thanks!
I’m joining:
1. blog post with contest sponsors-
contest badge on my blog sidebar-
2. already a blog follower – Joanne Gonzales
3. subscribed and confirmed subscription to both blogs-
4. separate post as answer to the $100 question-
i am currently making the post 🙂
Hi ate levy, here is my post for the contest:
1. http://angelrhona.blogspot.com/2010/06/up-to-200-up-for-grab-join-noel-and.html
2. already a blog follower – angelrhona
3. Subscribed and confirmed subscription on both blogs – angelrhona@gmail.com
entry post for what will i do when i win $100 to follow. Thank you.
BLOGGED (with sponsors’ links): http://randomwahmthoughts.blogspot.com/2010/06/noel-levys-thanksgiving-contest.html
BLOGGED (contest entry): http://randomwahmthoughts.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-will-i-do-if-i-will-win-100.html
PUT CONTEST BADGE: sidebar of http://randomwahmthoughts.blogspot.com
FOLLOWED: using username K
SUBSCRIBED & CONFIRMED (to both blogs): using email esbetilin(at)yahoo(dot)com
SHARED AT FACEBOOK: username wahmaholic
Finally, I have made my entry here’s the link http://maalamat.blogspot.com/2010/06/noel-and-levy-200-thanksgiving-contest.html, libay pa packeck kung pasado na to hehe…
Good luck sa lahat.
1. As usual you should blog about this contest together with the complete list of sponsors. DONE here –> See it Place the contest widget on your sidebar –> DONE under CURRENT CONTEST
2. I need to increase the list of my followers so be sure to add yourself there –> -=RyHeAnNe=-
3.Next thing you should do is you should subscribe to my RSS Feed and at my husband’s RSS Feed as well–>hyannecalwill@gmail.com
4.After doing the first three steps, you should make a separate post, and answer this question: “What will you do if you will win $100?”–>DONE here
5.Then kindly share your entry in Facebook and ask friends to LIKE and LEAVE COMMENTs- leave the blog post URL and facebook username here.–> DONE- http://tinyurl.com/23fws2z –>Ryanne Calwill
Is the mechanics number 4 mandatory?
Yay! The contest is up. I’ll send my pledges later. Sorry for the delay. ^_^
done editing my blog about the contest post.. thanks for accepting my entry..ayeeeeh! Good Luck to Me!!!hehe
1. My blogpost – http://manila-life.blogspot.com/2010/06/win-over-200-in-noel-levys-thanksgiving.html
2. subscribed both feeds with abetstone@hotmail.com
3. follower of your blog – abetabet2002 / manila stone
4. posted your sponsors
5. your badge is at my sidebar http://manila-life.blogspot.com
6. will do the other post later
7. Great contest good luck to all!
Yay thank you for hosting this thanksgiving contest!
1. Blog post with contest sponsors-
2. Contest badge is in my sidebar
2. I am following your blog and my GFC name is Kessa Thea
3. Subscribed to both blogs for RSS feeds – kessathea26 (at) gmail (dot) com
4. Blog Link as answer to the $100 question- http://www.littlemisskessa.com/2010/06/what-will-i-do-if-i-will-win-100.html
5. Facebook Link:
This is a fun contest. Thanks for hosting it.
shared it on fb: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=624959403
Blog Post here: http://amomsfreewill.blogspot.com/2010/06/thanks-giving-contest-by-noel-levy.html
Contest Badge here: http://amomsfreewill.blogspot.com
Follower: Seth
Subscribed and confirmed to both: vincseth02500@yahoo.com
My answer: http://amomsfreewill.blogspot.com/2010/06/100.html
Nice contest, enter me please
1. blog post with contest sponsors
contest badge on my blog sidebar-http://luckyfinds-shareapic.blogspot.com/
2. new blog follower via GFC – luckyfinds
3. subscribed and confirmed subscription to both blogs-
emiliana.sison at gmail.com
4. separate post on the $100 question- http://luckyfinds-shareapic.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-would-you-do-with-extra-100.html
5. shared this on my FB wall-
Yay thank you for hosting this thanksgiving contest!
1. Blog post with contest sponsors-
2. Contest badge is in my sidebar
2. I am following your blog and my GFC name is Kessa Thea
3. Subscribed to both blogs for RSS feeds – kessathea26 (at) gmail (dot) com
4. separate post as answer to the $100 question- To follow, I will post another comment with the link when I finish. 🙂
I remember my own thanksgiving contest held last quarter of last year.
Will be back for my entries.
I’m Done:
blogging about this contest
posting the contest banner
following you
my username is elghrasya/Mary Grace Cariaso
subscribing to your RSS feed and your hubby’s RSS feed as well
my email is bloodymary300724@yahoo.com
posting my official entry
sharing my entry at FB
If I missed something please just give me a buzz.. thanks 🙂
hi sis!there’s no prob na in the widget, kanina kc link lang.. thanks. na-edit ko na rin blog post, i have included noel’s blog…
thanks a lot
here’s my official entry:
and here’s my facebook entry:
I subscribed through this email:
Already your follower Levy: Mel Cole
Already Subscribed to you and your hubby’s RSS.
Got the badge in my right side bar.
Already posted the giveaway, sent you the link a while ago but I will send it again here: http://www.heartscontentofamama.com/2010/06/join-noel-and-levys-thanksgiving.html
Still making the reason and will be back when it’s done. 🙂
Hi! Joining your contest…
1. Posted your list of sponsors here:
2. I’ve been a follower …vernz
3. Subscribed to both Living Life to the Fullest and Designer’s Depot RSS feed via email ….. jluga3144 at gmail dot com
4. My answer to your question here:
vlyluga at gmail dot com
blog post with the sponsors:
my official entry:
the badge is now on the sidebar of:
subscribed using:
followed your blog with the username:
hi sis!
whoa! im also here joining your amazing contest.
I’m joining:
1. I blogged about it with contest sponsors-
contest badge is also on my blog sidebar-
2. I’m already your avid blog follower -kayeshayne
3. I subscribed and confirmed subscription to both of you and your hubby’s blog-
kayeshayne21 at yahoo[dot]com
4. separate post as answer to the $100 question-
Thanks a lot sis! I hope I’m also in!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Hi, Levy. This is a great contest. Blogged about it already. The post is here http://stay-at-home-blessings.blogspot.com/2010/06/win-over-200-at-noel-and-levys.html.
Levy, I just posted a short blog about your contest: http://www.heartscontentofamama.com/2010/06/join-noel-and-levys-thanksgiving.html
I’ll be back later to complete all the requirements 🙂
Did all the changes! 🙂
For contestants: http://freetexthost.com/m0y3lbqxyk
[paste it at html section]
And levy if you want this on your blog, just use this code: (I’ve already converted to a scrollbox)
[paste it at html section probably bottom of the post.]
Addedd your husband’s link alr.
I guess that’s all I can do to help! 🙂
Will do up the $100 post l8r when I have inspirations and thanks for your awesome contest! 🙂
pwde ba multiple blog entry?
okay na naedit ko na un image,
oo nga noh wala pa pala badge baby ko. sana magawa ko today. anyway thanks sa temporary badge.
Hi, I would like to join this contest and I hope you will accept my entry 🙂
badge on my side bar, http://redcontestcraze.blogspot.com
subscribe to the feeds and I am a follower already.
can sponsors join?
blog about the contest here:
hi, here’s my post:
hi levy, i have a little prob in putting your widget… thanks!
already a follower
also shared this on my FB wall-
Czaroma Roman
I’m joining:
1. blog post with contest sponsors-
contest badge on my blog sidebar-
2. already a blog follower – Czaroma
3. subscribed and confirmed subscription to both blogs-
cza[dot]roman at yahoo[dot]com
4. separate post as answer to the $100 question-
great contest! hope I did not miss anything 🙂
this 2 is really fast.. thanks Shimin for the shortcut post you’ve made!
By the way I added the contest widget already sis.
I think I already made all the requirements to qualify for the contest. If I still have missing part please let me know.
Thanks so much and good luck to this very awesome contest.
For the question What Will I do if I’ll Win $100 here is my answer
Please try to check sis.
Followed your blog, subscribed already.
Sis I just to know if where did you put the code of your contest widget for the sidebar.
I am joining sis. I posted it here.
Followed: -shimin
Placed links on sidebar
I’ve done a post template, if people are rushing for time, they can just copy and paste the following:
Woke up early in the morning to do this one! Hope I was the 1st! 🙂 The connection here is like god sloww. Took 15 mins to load up ur pg.
Subscribed: shimin.love@gmail.com
Blogged about contest: http://may-i.co.cc/2010/06/join-noel-levys-thanksgiving-contest/
Will come back and do the rest later!