iPod Touch 64GB Giveaway
I want this but it’s too expensive. We already have an 8GB Ipod Touch that Noel has won in Jujups Mug design competition last year 2008 but Ren was the one using it. Ren enjoys the different games and he creates artworks in his father’s Ipod touch (want to see his works? click here). I want to have one for myself too but I want it for FREE. That is why I am joining this give-away from Week in Rewind. You can join too and who knows one of us might be the lucky winner.
The rules in joining is so easy peasy, you don’t even need to blog about it you will just share it in Facebook and Twitter. For the complete information visit their site now.
what ever happens in life we should always remember to live life to the fullest
I want that too!
thanks for the heads up, ill check it now!