My Favorite B-day Gift I ever received!

This is the topic for this week in Girl Talk, it’s a very nice topic because it makes me think very hard to remember the best B-DAY gift I have received in my entire life. It’s hard since I have to identify one by one whether the gifts I received where from my birthday or from Christmas day, or Valentines day, etc. This topic also is not necessary means that the gift should be from my husband right? Oh my gosh! this is hard as ever I can’t imagine.
Okay! I remember one: when I’m still in College my Bestfriends Helen and Ghie gave me different kinds of stuffs with Tazmanian Devil cover (I love Taz so much that time) They gave me a balloon, a mug, a pillow, stationaries, a fan etc. It is too many that I’ve got a hard time bringing all of it at home. I love it because I feel special, I am the only one in my circle of friends that received that special gifts in our birthday (and we are 12 in the group).
Another one, is from my hubby, he gave me a SWATCH watch after dinner. It’s the best gift because that is one of the expensive gift I received from him. Unfortunately it was broken after 2 years and I accidentally misplaced it, I am careless right? Well, hubby already forgive me for that so the next time he will give a watch I know now how to keep and take care of it (unless it’s cheap hahaha! just kidding)
So to all girls out there, what is your favorite B-day Gift ever received? Join us here in Girl Talk and share your story.
what ever happens in life we should always remember to live life to the fullest
Hi Levy, i came across your blog and i like your design.
About your topic, my fave bday gift from my bf now my husband is the Girbaud Polo, i really love it and im still using it. I think its more than 5 years now.
Btw, i also love Taz…can i put your blog on my blog roll/list?