Drinking Coffee is actually good for you
Countless research and studies have shown that drinking coffee could undoubtedly lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. And the real news seems to be that the more you drink, the better.
After analyzing data collected from 126,000 people for as long as 18 years, Harvard researchers calculate that compared with not partaking in America’s or any where else in the world’s favorite morning drink, downing one to three cups of caffeinated coffee daily can reduce diabetes risk by single digits. But having six cups or more each day slashed men’s risk by 54% and women’s by 30% over people who simply don’t drink a single cup at all.
There’s also some some proof that Coffee might have anti-cancer properties. Last year, researchers found that coffee drinkers were 50% less likely to get liver cancer than nondrinkers. A few studies have found ties to lower rates of colon, breast, and rectal cancers.
Coffee seems to protect men, but not women, against Parkinsonβs disease. One possible explanation for the sex difference may be that estrogen and caffeine need the same enzymes to be metabolized, and estrogen captures those enzymes.
Women who drink a lot of coffee may have less risk of developing cancer of the uterus, a Japanese study recently revealed.
“All in all, the research shows that coffee is far more healthful than it is harmful. For most people, very little bad comes from drinking it, but a lot of good.” says Tomas DePaulis, PhD, research scientist at Vanderbilt University’s Institute for Coffee Studies.
via: health.harvard.edu
Just dropping by to say Hi!
I also left you some clicks for your website.
Maryam, I have read there that they are currently researching in Japan about the effects of tea but it is still not finished yet. π
Hmm sounds interesting..does this also go for tea? I’m not much of a coffee drinker as the bitterness gets to me