Some things to be thankful for
We sometimes don’t notice but even though we have problems that we might think there are no solutions, there are the are countless other things that we have to be thankful for. We just need to take time to realize it. ( hmmm, sounds like a Colbie Caillat song :))
Anyways here are the things that happened over the past week that I am thankful for:
Last week, my son had a convulsion for the very fist time! My God! I was really scared. I also had a really nasty headache that day and I didn’t got to go to work, then suddenly our housekeeper came yelling “Your son is having an attack!” I raced down the stairs and saw my son all blue and just lying there on his crib and cannot breathe. I really didn’t know what to do! I took him outside to ask for help.
Luckily, my brother-in-law was there and all of my neighbors helped us. They took off his clothes and put ice-cold water on him. I couldn’t look I started to cry, then I finally heard him cry. My heart leap with joy. Me and my son is now healthy and well except for the occasional colds we are now doing fine.
i was the sponsor dear. sent you the 1200 credits. congratulations. ^_^