What is the essence of a woman?
“Just being a woman is God’s gift”. “The origin of a child is a mother, a woman. Woman is sharing she shows a man what sharing, caring, and loving is all about. That is the essence of a woman.”
This was the answer came from Sushmita Sen of India on the last 1994 Miss Universe Pageant held here in Manila. These words made her the Grand Winner of the said event.
I was in secondary school back then, and those words fascinate me.
But after having a hard time conceiving, we were married for almost 2 years until we had a son of our own and only then did I began to realize that I seem to disagree with what she said. For the 1st year of our marriage, the words like “Maybe you’re impotent and you are not capable of bearing a child” has no effect on me, Maybe it’s because my husband and I are still having fun together as a couple. But then another year came, and still I can’t bear a child. I was very frustrated every time my monthly period came. After talking with my husband, we then decided to ask for professional help. I had my ovary checked through transvaginal ultrasound and my husband agreed to have a sperm count. The results were all okay; the doctor told us to just take a rest and eliminate the stress and worries. We then prayed so hard every night, we even completed the 9 days of Midnight Novena Mass (a.k.a. Simbang Gabi) to fulfill our wish. And you know what; God is so good because the following year January of 2007, He gave us the most special gift we could ever receive… I tried the pregnancy test and the results were positive. It was a birthday gift for the two of us since we are both born in the month of January. I have proven to the world that I can bear a child.
But, is this really the purpose of being women? Although it is really fulfilling to have one, we must also consider those women who really can’t bear a child either by choice or being biologically impotent. Examples are the nuns, those bread winners in the family who have to take care of their families first before getting a family of their own and those who have medical problems.
For me I think that even if you cannot have a baby just as long as you are doing good to others, I think it is okay. You can still adopt a child if you want and raise them as your own.
what ever happens in life we should always remember to live life to the fullest!
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