Life Hacks – Improve Your Neighbourhood
Settling down means finding the perfect home in the perfect place. For those of us with the best interests of a young family to consider, the ‘perfect place’ needs to cover a lot of bases (most of us have to make compromises on this one). If you’re bunkered down in a neighbourhood that you think could use a little improvement, there are plenty of things you can begin doing today that will make an instant impression.
Unwanted Doorstep Callers
Owning a home in a gated community is an extravagance we’re all drawn toward. Why? Because we all desire privacy, and because those pesky doors to door callers wouldn’t be able to disturb us. Whether it’s beauty product sales teams, political parties canvassing for votes, or local teenagers offering to mow the lawn (badly) for pocket money, we’d all sooner do without the disturbance. Time for a multi-purpose do-not-disturb sign. See here for inspiration.
Become a Gardening Guru
OK, perhaps ‘guru’ is a bit far. But if you have a garden that could use a little attention, this could be a great way to involve the whole family and set the standard for neighbours to follow. There’s no need for expensive garden planners, noisy machinery, and an endless stream of delivery vehicles supplying everything from gazebos and benches to potted plants and water features. A well-kept lawn, a hanging basket or two, and perhaps some colourful border flowers is all it takes to start making a house a home. Any fences may also benefit from a fresh lick of paint.

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Neighbourhood Watch
This is the big one. Organising a neighbourhood watch isn’t the lonely administrative task you might think it to be. It begins by contacting your local police station. They’ll give you all the information you need. A neighbourhood watch scheme is much more than curtain twitching and half-empty meetings. Once set up, the police will usually offer regular visits from support staff, giving your neighbourhood a visual police presence that will deter crime. It’s a social event, too. This is your chance to meet the people that probably share the same opinions as you do on commuter traffic, schooling, the problems with parking on bin collection day, and where is best to shop for local deals. This is a real-life social network at your fingertips.
Oh, and one last thing, some insurance providers offer reduced rates for neighbourhood watch members, and some even provide free alarms and window locks – contact your insurance company to check if you are eligible.
Making your home’s exterior and your neighborhood in general beautiful is severely underrated. Your neighbors might not realize it but you are making their lives better by doing seemingly small things like planting some flowers.
To put it somewhat darkly, beauty is what makes the inherent suffering of life bearable. Make the environment you live in beautiful and encourage others to do the same.