Earn dollars through Intellifluence Site
Are you a blogger, a vlogger or an influencer? Have you heard of the site Intellifluence?
This is a website or an app wherein brands and influencers works together. The influencer creates a profile and offers his or her services such as writing on her blog, sharing on her social media account etc. The brands then post campaigns of what they wants to achieve.

I’ve been a part of this site since last year and I already earned a thousand dollars as of this writing. The clients I had here are so easy to deal with, they are not that strict as long as you follow the rules stated on their pitch.

Registration is simple and easy to follow as long as you can read, you can easily navigate the site. You can also choose between cash only or with product review. You could also set the price you want for your services.
With today’s crisis in our economics and that our peso value is getting weaker vs thedollar, it is highly recommended to find ways to earn more and better if it’s in dollars to save more money and have higher value. That’s why if given a chance, grab it.
I’m inviting you to join Intellifluence with me and get paid to do influencer reviews. If you sign up and fill out your profile, I can make a little bit of money by recruiting you; you can do this too once you’re in!
Just sign up at https://links.intellifluence.com/7bRX so I can get credit for recruiting you.
If you have questions, let me know on the comment section and I’ll try my best to answer them.
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