iGCo Colostrum Milk for Immune Booster
When we were affected by the Covid-19 virus, I heard from friends who also suffered from the virus were asked by their doctors to take iGCo Colostrum Milk to boost their immune system and be able to fight the virus in their bodies. I did some research and here are what I found out about this product.
What is IgCo colostrum milk?
IgCo Natural Colostrum Skim Milk isΒ a natural health product extracted from the colostrum of New Zealand dairy cows. It is a highly nutritious functional food that not only possesses all the goodness of milk but contains immune factors, growth factors, and other health-promoting substances.

Here are some HEALTH BENEFITS OF IGCO NATURAL COLOSTRUM according to Dr.Gary Sy in his FB page
- Faster recovery from infection
- Helps prevent colds, cough and flu
- Maintains a healthy intestinal tract
- Helps reduce recovery time from injury
- Helps burn unwanted fats and builds lean muscle mass
- Maintains strong bones
- Prevents osteoporosis
- Faster wound healing
- Alleviates the signs and symptoms of skin allergies
- Helps lower blood sugar to normal level
- Less episodes of asthmatic attacks
- Slows down aging
- Anti-inflammatory
- Higher energy level with better exercise endurance
- Reduces stress
- Better quality of sleep
- Improves memory in cases of senile dementia
This milk is usually recommended to people who have any of the following:
- Chronic cough and colds
- Sores or Gingivitis
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Recurring Infections
- Insomnia
- Cancer
- Dengue
- and other viral infections
It looks promising isn’t it? The only downside is that it is quite expensive for P85 per sachet at Mercury Drugstores. But unfortunately, it is always out of stocks at the store so online sellers sells it at a higher price that ranges from P95-100 per sachet.
There’s available IgCo at Shopee or Lazada but the supplier is from Indonesia and the packaging is translated to their language so I don’t know if it’s the same as the one available here.
If you have the resources and will take anything just to be well again then you might want to consider this. This is where we bought ours – https://www.facebook.com/igcowithnaturalcolostrum / https://www.igcomilk.com/
Very interesting and informative.
It’s my first time to hear this ,looks good and beneficial.