Busy Mom’s Tips for Getting Fabulous Hairstyle in Minutes
Being a busy mom means that mastering the art of time management becomes an essential life skill. This also means that you need to learn how to do all daily beauty essentials real fast. Hair styling is definitely on that list because this step can take a while. But it doesn’t have to.

The following tips will help you ensure that your hair looks amazing even if you only have a few minutes to style it.
Learn how to make fancy braids
Braids are magic. There is no other way explaining how a hairstyle so simple can look so elegant and classy. Of course, there are very complicated braided styles that req1uire hours of careful work. However, even quick and simple braided hairstyles look great. In fact, the messiness of them looks romantic instead of untidy.
Master the French braid and its many variations first. In fact, you might not need any other style because this one is extremely versatile. It will look equally good at a business meeting, on a date, or at your kid’s party.
However, note that braiding takes some learning. You’ll need to practice extensively at first to master the style. But after this, you should be able to create an intricate braid within minutes. You can also use clips and other accessories to make a simple braid look super-fancy.
Use hair extensions
Extensions do not only add length to your hair. They also can make styling your locks a faster and easier task. That’s because they also add volume and generally make your hair look stunning with minimal styling. For a maximum natural look, you should try flat tip hair extensions on keratin bond. They fuse in with the hair seamlessly and give you a mane of naturally gorgeous tresses.
Of course, you’ll need to do some styling still. But it will be minimal because your hair will be beautiful and voluminous by default. This particular type of extensions allows for 360-degree hair movement during application. This means that it won’t look artificial at all.
It will take about 3-5 hours to apply these extensions. But you’ll be able to wear them for months with minimal maintenance care.
Get beach hair even without the beach
Hairstyle called “beach waves” is a true lifesaver for busy moms. It’s easy, takes a minimal number of tools and products to make, and looks gorgeous on the hair of varying lengths. Moreover, this particular style looks quite natural. In fact, it gives you a slightly messy but beautiful look that appears elegant.
You can get these beautiful waves in your locks using various tools overnight. But if you are in a hurry, you’ll only need a few hair clips, a styling mousse, and a hairdryer.
First, divide your hair into 5-7 sections after you leave the shower. Apply some light styling product if your hair is temperamental. Then, twist every section until it’s snug to your scalp and fix each with a clip.
Next, go on with your morning business until it’s almost time to leave for the day. If your hair is dry by that time – fabulous. You’ll only need to use some styling mousse and tease the tresses apart until they fall in loose messy waves.
In case your hair is still wet, use a hairdryer first. Then, proceed with the mousse and finger-styling. You can also pull the locks into a messy bun or half-updo. The look you create this way should be romantic and stylish.
If short on time, go with the ponytail
Sometimes you are sure to be so busy that you don’t have the time to take a shower or braid your hair at all. For days like these, you can use clever ponytail tricks to make this simple hairstyle into something special.
Things like wrapping a lock of hair around the elastic or making a double ponytail are easy. And yet, they make you look elegant and sophisticated.
Basically, the ponytail is the style you can use to appear put-together even if you had less than 5 minutes to make it.
Be sure to stock up on beautiful elastics, scrunchies, and bobby pins. You’ll need them to work quick magic with this hairstyle. You also should practice making different ponytail styles when you have the time. No matter how easy they look, the perfect look is nearly impossible to accomplish on your first try.
Great tips for getting a fabulous hairstyle in minutes! Thanks for sharing these helpful tips!