My shoe haul from Payless Shoesource
I’ve been searching for new sets of shoes online. I need one for a formal event and one for casual everyday use (pudpod na kasi yung fave kong shoes na gamit).
There are a lot of shoes to choose from online stores and it’s tempting to get one since I am not that particular with the brand name and they are quite affordable too. BUT since I experienced buying one online already and I don’t like the fit and the feel of the shoes, so from then on I decided not to buy shoes online anymore. I told myself that I need to try it on first before buying.
I’m glad that there is a Payless Shoe store in Evia Lifestyle Center where we went to watch a movie the other day. I have a few shoes from Payless already. I have a Champion rubber shoes with a memory foam sole that is so comfy to wear. I use it for doing Zumba or any fitness related activity. My white sneakers that is already worn out (another very comfy shoes) is also from Payless. I also got a stiletto with heels from them before too but I decided to sell it since I only used it once (glad that someone bought it).
Here are the 2 shoes that I’ve got. Both are on sale for 50% off discount, ang saya!

As mentioned, these shoes were on sale, I only paid P580 for the white sneakers and P675 (plus additional 10% off) for the heels.

If you want to check out some of their shoes designs, check here –
Wow ang ganda nga mommy lev