Most Used Products That’ll Effectively Clean the Pipes in Your Home
A clogged drain can be annoying. Some may choose to ignore this type of problem but this cause more severe problems in your home.
Side effects of a clogged drain can be the following:
- Unclean water because of the bacteria that can breed within the food and waste.
- A foul odour will also be produced when pipes dry out since a stoppage can restrict water from passing through. On the other hand, stagnant water may also provide a stale smell. Moreover, it also poses health risks such as aggravating of airborne allergies because of the smell or skin irritations when water is contaminated.
- Leaks are also imminent. Since the water can not properly pass through, the water is diverted elsewhere.
But before you call for a professional, why not try the following effective cleaning products.
Drain Clog remover
Insert this item into your drain to remove hair and grime. This flexible pipe consists of micro hooks or textured edges that help remove gunk in your pipes. Most of these items vary in lengths. Although it consists of doing manual labour, it is the easiest and useful tool for cleaning pipes. It does not require the user to disassemble any fixture. A variety of these clog removers can either be made up of plastic or steel which are flexible enough to go through the pipes. These items are also known as flexisnake, drain millipede, drain snake, snake drain auger, among others.
Chemical drain cleaners
The contents of these cleaners are quite strong and powerful. It removes the materials in your clogged drain and can even prevent its recurrence. Another advantage of chemicals like these are its fast-acting performance. And because you simply have to measure and pour it out, it leaves a minimal mess.
Some of the well-known drain cleansers are Liquid- Plumr, Drano, CLR (Calcium Lime Rust remover), Lime-A-Way, and Pure Lye, among others.
Enzymatic-based cleaners
These cleaners have natural bacteria and enzymes. The contents are formulated to break down organic waste in the plumbing system. They are considered by most as it can spread quickly on the pipes and does not have an effect on inorganic materials, such as your plastic pipes. Aside from these, no fumes are created, making it generally safe for people and the environment.
Go Green
Dish soap, baking soda, vinegar, salt, and borax are just some of the materials used in natural and homemade drain cleaners. The process usually includes pouring baking soda, salt and borax, or a combination of these elements into the drain. It is followed by the vinegar and some waiting time. The hot water then helps break down grease and into a liquid form or other gunk to let it pass through the pipes.
Kinetic water ram
Kinetic water rams use compressed air that produces kinetic energy through the water to break whatever is clogging our pipes. This equipment is useful to clear blockages that are deep within the pipes. Even through bends, the force that the kinetic rams produce retains its strength. A pressure gauge assists the user in measuring and applying an adequate amount of pressure that could remove the stoppage without damaging pipes.
Toilet plunger
A toilet plunger can also help remove a simple blockage in the drain. The water level in the drainpipe must be enough for the plunger to be effective. The only disadvantage of this method is that it is not fully adequate for drains with a partial stoppage.
Carefully assess your drainage problem and never disregard a simple issue. Keep your water fixtures clean and perform regular maintenance. For severe drainage problems, call an expert immediately. Do not delay the problem to avoid more severe problems and accumulation of expenses.
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