8 Ways to Stay in Shape as a Busy Mom
Parenthood is a huge responsibility, one that takes a lot of time and effort for a mom to accomplish. Its splendors are unquestionable but there are tricks to make life easier for busy moms. If you adhere to the following 8 ways to stay in shape while working and raising a child, then you call truly call yourself a supermom!

Gym’s location
Unless you take up outdoor exercise like jogging or cycling, the gym is the ideal location for exercising. You can create a gym at home or find a public one that is not far away from your home and work. In real estate, location sells and the same principle is true for busy mom fitness as well. Find a gym that requires the least amount of commuting, ideally being located inside your office block.
When to exercise?
We trust that your itinerary is full but you’ll have to find an extra couple of minutes to fit in fitness. Create a fitness plan suitable for your lifestyle that will take into account the need to exercise properly and be a good mother and an employee, respectively. You can find wondrous fitness schedules online that take up as little as 10 minutes to stay fit.
Dress accordingly
What good will it do if you find the time and a suitable place to exercise if you’re not dressed accordingly. As with other clothes you own, sports apparel should before all be comfortable. Search far and wide for running shoes and sweatpants that are an ideal fit
Gear up
Furthermore, you should gear up for staying active to demonstrate to your family and friends that you mean business. Dumbbells, resistance bands, and yoga mats are there to make your training sessions easier. If you take up running, them a weatherproof tracker will help you make the most of the time spent outdoors.
Constantly on the move
Apart from fitness sessions, an alternative to staying fit is being on the move constantly. For instance, if you have a chance to cycle to work, use your bike instead of hailing a cab or driving to work. Furthermore, you can take up running because let’s face it, running is awesome. You burn calories, stay fit, get to enjoy nature in the local park, and it’s an inexpensive hobby.
Distracting the kids
Once you allocate a time slot intended for exercising, you’re still not off the hooks. Your kids will come screaming in the room if you are working out in a home gym (running seems more attractive by the moment, right?) to interrupt you. You should find a way to bribe them into staying silent without the use of food. Perhaps putting on their cartoon or letting them play with a toy they adore but you have concealed a long time ago.
Pal up
Running is fun, cycling is fun, and doing yoga is fun. However, these are by no means solo activities, especially the latter one. You should find a girlfriend who is as enthusiastic about staying fit as you are. Perhaps she’s also a mom and you two can pal up and share the burden of modern motherhood. In this case, mental support will prove essential to persevering in achieving your fitness goals.
Never give up!
Even if you are an excellent organizer, there are going to be days when you will find it impossible to exercise for one reason or the other. These are times when motivation drops significantly to the point that you consider abandoning the whole “active mom” project. This is an OK feeling to have because the burnout syndrome is not exclusively work-related. At times like these, take a break from exercising for a couple of days to charge the batteries of your willpower. Trust us, after a few days, you’ll be up and running again, quite literally!
Balancing parenthood and a career falls hard on most women. However, you don’t have to fit (pun intended) into this stereotype as there is enough room in your itinerary for exercise as well. Staying fit on a busy schedule might be hard but because of it, you’ll be a supermom in the eyes of your family.
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