Getting to Know Different Diet Plans for Weight Loss
The vital part of any weight loss journey is finding the right dieting plan that will help you reach your body goals. While some people are still convinced that it doesn’t matter what they are eating as long as they are working out, experts have proved that any successful weight loss plan is 70% diet and 30% exercise. That’s why we have created this guide to walk you through the differences between popular diet plans so you can easily make the right decision for your body.
The Ketogenic diet
This strict low-carb diet plan depends on lowering your carb intake so the body can change its natural fuel source of glucose to ketones. The metabolic state called ketosis burns stored fats, which result in huge weight loss outcome. You can read more about this diet in this article that shows the vast importance and benefits that keto can offer the body. Despite the recent craze over this diet, it has proved its worth for many years now in reducing the risk factors of heart disease, treating many serious conditions, and on top of its magnificent weight loss results.
The updated version of HCG diet
The old version of the HCG diet restricted dieters in only 800 calories per day along injecting themselves with the right dosage of pregnancy hormones. The new version raised the bar to 1500 calories daily. Many people claim that the HCG shots don’t actually contribute directly to weight loss, but only help make it easier to stick to an eating plan without feeling hungry, which is one of the main reasons for the controversy surrounding this diet
Plant-based diet
People follow the ethical, veganism lifestyle for moral reasons. A plant-based diet, on the other hand, focuses on the health benefits that steering away from eating animals and animal-based products offer. This diet also rules out any processed junk food, sugar, salt, and oil. You will be able to lose weight while you are improving your overall health. This diet not only reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes 2, obesity, stroke, and high blood pressure, but is quite ideal for recovering patients from these illnesses.
Raw food diet
Nowadays, the popularity of diets such as raw food diet and a plant-based diet is increasing for all the right reasons. These plans will not only help you drop off the few extra pounds you want to lose, but they also promise great changes in your overall health. Disregarding their differences, the two plans depends only on organic, unprocessed food. This diet is specifically concerned with food in its natural form rather than boiled, cooked, and especially not fried. People who follow this diet are known to be skinnier, healthier, and they are less likely to develop a mental disease.
Achieving a healthy weight goal is a puzzling task. The road can be discouraging if you don’t find the perfect eating plan that suits your body. Regardless of the diet plan you are considering, you should always practice mindful eating and follow healthy eating habits. It might be hard to control yourself and your appetite to lose weight, but it’s harder to maintain your desired body without changing your lifestyle.
Claire Castillo says
Ketogenic diet is one of the latest craze today 😊