Keep Your Kids Safe From Bugs – The Ultimate Guide for Moms
Protecting your kids from bugs can be a daunting task, especially during summers when your little ones want to spend every second of the day outside playing. For most parents, the safest solution is usually to keep an eye for bug bites when bathing their children or setting up evening curfews when bugs such as mosquitoes come to life.
However, protecting your kids from bugs shouldnβt be a hard task, especially if you observe the following tips.
1. Carefully examine your immediate surroundings
When dealing with bugs, it is always important to keep an eye on your external surroundings such as playpens, the yard and even areas outside the compound. Keeping your house bug free only solves half the problem since children spend most of the day outside playing. Therefore, it is advisable to be on the lookout for thick bushes, still water or any other breeding grounds. Ensure you completely remove the breeding grounds once you identify them. Although destroying breeding grounds may not eradicate the risk of bugs completely, it will go a long way in providing extra protection for your children when outside.
2. Repellants come in handy
Great weather not only presents an opportunity for your kids to spend more time outdoors, it also allows you to enjoy family activities such as picnics, camping or trips to nearby parks. As you may have noticed by now, the risk of bug bites increases the longer you stay outdoors. However, this should not worry you as a child-friendly repellants can help prevent bugs from coming into contact with your child’s skin. Investing in bug repellents is a sure way of preventing bug bites, more so when you intend to spend hours participating in outdoor activities with your family.

3. Seek professional advice when in doubt
Unfortunately, some bugs are extremely difficult for relatively inexperienced people to contain. This implies that when the need arises, you should always reach out to a professional for further assistance. In Idaho, bug outbreaks are not uncommon, especially after wet winters. Pests such as bed bugs can be a real nuisance,and, as you might be aware,the bed bugs are often hard to discover and destroy. Due to this, it is advisable to seek the services of experts such as bed bug treatment Boise who are well known to provide efficient bed bug treatment. Therefore, when an outbreak occurs or a bug infestation becomes fairly hard to address, seeking the assistance of qualified experts is highly recommended.
4. Evade bugs
When dealing with bugs, it is crucial to understand how to best evade them. Bugs such as mosquitoes are common during dusk and dawn. Therefore, it is important to set up curfews aimed at reducing the risk of bug bites while your children are out playing. In case you want your children to enjoy their outdoor stay for extended periods, be sure to dress them in long sleeved tops and trousers. Be cautious of time when dealing with bugs.
5. Always keep your windows shut during the night
Protecting your child from bugs during the day is not enough. If you want to offer full protection, then you must be prepared to deny bugs such as mosquitoes easy access to your house during the night. Invest in mesh netting, more so if you live in an area prone to mosquitoes or other types of flying bugs. A simple delay in locking access points can provide easy access to bugs which can then breed and multiply within the shortest time.
6. Maintain a hands on approach
Assuming that you have successfully eliminated the threat of bugs is the greatest mistake you can make as a parent. Bugs are hard to eliminate and as a result, you will need to be on the lookout for new infestations or even bite marks on your child’s skin. Allowing professionals to conduct routine checks and environmental examinations is a sure way of protecting your child and preventing the creation of breeding grounds. Put simply, you should never let your guard down when it comes to the war against bugs.
Although keeping your kids safe from bugs is not an easy task, it is achievable, more so if you take the necessary precautions. The above mentioned tips are guaranteed to help you in your fight against bugs at home. Remember, preventing bug bites or infestation is not a one off task. You will need to remain vigilant and on the lookout for possible bite marks when your kids come from their outdoor activities. Also, whenever you are in doubt, do not hesitate to seek the services of qualified professionals as they can advise you on ways to address all your bug issues.
How about for adults, what are the ointment or repellant you can suggest? Dami ko po kagat ng surot from office πππ. Thank you po.
lamok lang alam ko, sa surot wala ako alam. Sana mag spray ang office nyo pag bakasyon mga tao
Si baby madalas nagugulat nalang may kagat sya . Pangit pa naman tignan kasi nangingitim . Di ko alam kung ano or paano sya nakakagat kasi malinis naman ung ginagalawan nya . Pero thank you for this another mom-top mommy ππ