Is Having a Leaky Gut Dangerous to Your Health?

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The intestinal wall is an integral part of the immune system besides its other critical functions such as absorption of nutrients into the body. It acts as a barrier that prevents entry of toxins, bacteria and other unwanted substances in the bloodstream. Additionally, it maintains a balance between “good” and “bad” bacteria.
When the structure of the intestinal wall is compromised, the wall develops gaps that can permit unwanted substances and bacteria into the bloodstream where they find their way to the rest of the body.
What is leaky gut?
A leaky gut is a condition that as a result of damage to the intestinal barrier. The intestinal wall forms a tight barrier that limits what gets into the bloodstream. The intestinal lining is damaged by various environmental toxins such as chlorinated water, antibiotics, industrial meat, and processed foods — the interruption of the intestinal lining results in an unhealthy gut.
The unhealthy gut has gaps that permit toxins and pathogens to enter the bloodstream and later cause diseases in the body. Pathogenic bacteria such as Clostridia, Streptococci, Staphylococci, Candida, and Enterobacteria among others enter the body system and cause various diseases. When pathogenic bacteria in the gut gain control over the intestinal lining it increases the permeability of the intestine, resulting in the condition referred to as the leaky gut.
These gaps permit the entry of yeast, pathogenic bacteria, and environmental toxins into the bloodstream. These substances find their way into tissues and organs. The presence of the substances in the tissues and organs results in an inflammatory response. As more and more toxins gain entry into tissue and organs, the inflammatory conditions worsens. According to a study by Dr. Shanti Mohling, a researcher and an invasive gynecologist in the University of Tennessee, all the patients they studied with endometriosis had a leaky gut.In this useful post you’ll discover how increased intestinal permeability occurs and the dangers it can pose to your health. Stick with me as you get to know the dangers of a leaky gut.
Factors That Are Believed To Trigger A Leaky Gut
Though medical professionals are still researching to establish the actual cause of a leaky gut, some factors are considered to be behind the increased intestinal permeability.
• High sugar intake. Fructose is believed to play a significant role in the destabilization of the intestinal lining.
• Intake of anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). The prolonged use of NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, affects the intestinal lining; thus resulting in a leaky gut.
• Alcohol abuse. High intake of alcohol has also been established to affect the integrity of the intestinal lining.
• Poor nutrition. Deficiencies of vitamin D, vitamin A and zinc have also been proved to increase intestinal permeability.
• Chronic inflammation. Severe inflammation also contributes to leaky gut syndrome.
• Stress and depression. Chronic stress has many effects on gut health including increasing the gut lining permeability.
• Poor gut health. An imbalance in the gut flora affects the intestinal barrier resulting in a leaky gut.
• Yeast Overgrowth. Though yeast is part of the gut flora, an overgrowth of the yeast might result in a leaky gut syndrome.
A leaky gut can pose a serious threat to ones body, by allowing pathogens and toxins to break through the intestinal barrier. Multiple studies have linked increased intestinal permeability to many chronic diseases.
These are some of the illnesses that are believed to arise out of a leaky gut.
Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is a condition that is marked by sensitivity to gluten. Research has found that patients with celiac disease had a higher intestinal permeability than those without the disease.
Research evidence proves that a leaky gut has a role to play in the development of type 1 diabetes. It has been shown that the immune reaction results in the damaging of beta cells in the pancreas arises from toxins leaking from the gut.
Crohn’s disease
Crohn’s disease presents as a chronic inflammation of the intestine. The increase in the permeability of the intestinal wall has been seen to play a crucial role in the development of this disease.
Irritable bowel syndrome
According to scientific studies on patients with irritable bowel syndrome, these patients were found to have increased intestinal permeability. IBS presents with constipation and diarrhea.
Food allergies
Several studies have shown a relationship between patients with food allergies and an impaired intestinal barrier. A leaky gut allows food proteins to gain access to the bloodstream triggering an immune response. The food protein is the allergen.
As you’ve seen from this post, a leaky gut has a serious threat to your health. If toxins and pathogens find their way to the tissue and organs via the bloodstream, they will initiate an immune response that will result in chronic immune disorders.
Aw. Thanks for sharing mommy. Kaya dapat alwAYS HEALTHY. Kasi Health is Wealth.
thank you for sharing.
Nakakatakot naman 2. That’s why we really have to be careful on what we eat