How to Be Healthy: Tips and Tricks to Make You Live Longer
How to be healthy? Who to live longer? Useful tips and tricks to make your life longer and better. Enjoy your life, improve your life quality with this advice.
Healthy Life – What is Behind these Words?
When we are young, we believe that we will live forever, that we will stay healthy forever. When years pass, we see how erroneous our beliefs were. What to do to stay healthy or at least in a bearable condition when our youth passes? When is the moment when it is too late to do something? What is healthy and what is unhealthy?
One thing is clear: when you are 70 years old, it is too late to think about healthy lifestyle. It is time to think about where to find a reliable doctor. Yes, there are so many temptations: tasty food, even though it’s not healthy at all, soft drinks, loud music, and many other things without which the youth is impossible or at least is not full, but which are absolutely unhealthy.

What to do then? How can you force yourself live healthily? How to select healthy food and not to suffer from it because there are so many good things around? How to set limits for yourself on going out with friends and do exercise instead? Or, rather, is it really so important to live your life with all these limitations, or you would rather prefer enjoying each second of your life, even if it costs you your health or if it shortens your life expectancy?
Start with Your Mind
Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you are full of expectations and hope? And how bad it is when something bad is in sight? Good health is not only your physical health but your mental health as well. You can eat yourself up with too high expectations and requirements, or you can enjoy every second of your life. Just use it completely, catch every moment that can bring you joy. Take it easy – this approach is the best one when problems arise.
Then, Continue with Your Body
Physical health is not less important than mental, or emotional health. If you have a headache or a toothache, or you are sick with something, then, any good news will not help you to be completely happy. How to keep physical health in our world filled with various adverse factors? Of course, you cannot do anything with the fact that our life is becoming shorter with every second, but you can make something to enjoy it in full with healthy mind and body. Some useful tips will help you with it.
Drink a Lot of Water
More than 60% of our body is water. Does it tell you something? Many doctors advice to drink 1, or 2 liters of water every day. But how true is it? Here, let`s apply simple logic. In which case you will drink more: when the ambient temperature is 30C or 10C? Or, another comparison: you are running or you are sitting in an office. Hence, everything depends on the situation. However, there are some signs which you cannot ignore. If you have at least one of them, your body needs more water!
- Your lips get dry
- You have a dry feeling in your mouth
- You urinate little, urine has the thick smell
These signs show that your body lacks water. If you ignore them, the next stage may be dehydration and, as a result, hospital.
Sleep as Much as You Want
Normal sleep duration for an adult is 7-8 hours per day – did you know it? If you are sure that you have to sleep 7-8 hours, then you may be disappointed to know, that this is not always right. If you are stressed, or you are recovering from stress or a difficult task, your body will need additional rest. Have you ever felt that in some cases you would like to sleep day and night? If it is so, just do it: your body is recovering during the sleep. Even if you need to sleep 12 hours instead of 8, do it. And what about people who sleep just 5-6 hours and still feel fine? Find out how long you should sleep to feel fine and fresh, and that will be your perfect sleep duration.
Movement Is Life
Move, as much as you can. It doesn’t mean that you have to subscribe to an intense fitness program or start doing weightlifting, or some other sport. Just walking in the nearby forest, or in the place that you like is already moving. Do you have a dog? Walk it out longer than you usually do. If your walk takes one hour, it is perfect. If it takes 2 hours, it is even better. Just enjoy it. Go out for a swim in summer if you like it. Did you know that swimming is a wonderful exercise for all parts of your body? Maybe, it is time to check that swimming pool? They may have very good options for winter time when a river or a lake isn’t available. Do what you enjoy doing. Then, it will improve the quality of your life and make you healthier.
You are Unique, You are the Best
If you take this approach, life will already become better. Love the way you look, the way you eat, you dress, you walk… Love everything about yourself. Then, you will not allow yourself to spoil your perfect figure by eating improper food. If you love yourself, you will never let your body get damaged by sitting at home or improper diet, or too hard sport. Love yourself. Then, you will do everything right with your life.
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