Robinsons Supermarket Freshtival 2015
I went to Robinsons Townville at Imus Cavite last Tuesday. It is a newly opened Robinson’s store that is near my son’s school. The area is not as big as other Robinson’s malls but I was happy that the supermarket carries a lot of items from Fresh Food, Non-Food, Island Souvenirs and even Imported items.
I went there because I’m curious about Robinsons Supermarket FreshTival campaign that they have launched a few days ago.
FreshTival is a month-long festivity entitles shoppers with daily offerings for each day of the week with focus on a particular supermarket section such as the following:
- Meaty Mondays
- Poultry Galore Tuesdays
- Fresh Pick Wednesdays
Deli Delight Thursdays
- Fresh Dairy Fridays
- Oven Fresh Saturdays
This cold weather makes my family hungry, thank goodness these yummy #Monde items are here to fill us up. My husband and I love the blueberry #crispywaffle Thank you #RobinsonsSupermarket A photo posted by Levy Martinez (@iamlevym) on
- Seafood Sunday Specials
I like that Robinsons Supermarket offers a family friendly area. It is well managed and I commend them for keeping it always clean.
The celebration also compliments Robinsons Supermarket’s ongoing wellness program – the Robinsons Supermarket Wellness Festival, as it encourages shoppers to choose more fresh items for a healthier lifestyle.
Purchase participating Freshtival items using your Robinsons Rewards Card to get an additional 10 points. Enjoy amazing deals for the whole month of July and discover fresh shopping at Robinsons Supermarket.
To know more about the Robinsons Freshtival, visit
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