Mommy, Daddy…. No shouting!
This is what my son told us when he heard us fighting a while ago. The reason was a simple misunderstanding of schedule. Yes we both feel guilty when we heard him say that and we both kept our mouths shut afterwards.

the hubby agreed to post this. See he even made a sketch.. Nice di ba?
We are only human and we are not a perfect family. My husband and I are both working at home and since we are always together, there are times that we have some small debate, petty arguments and we also sometimes fight. As much as possible, we don’t want Ren to see it, but our emotions sometimes take over and we forget to control it.
But just like little kids, hubby and I don’t take it long to reconcile. After a few minutes or an hour of keeping quiet and thinking of what just happened, we apologize and accept each others fault. That’s the beauty of proper communication I think.
I know that quarreling and shouting is not good for little kids to see, and I hope that this is the last time that this thing will ever happen.
On the other hand, I am happy that my son is now aware of his surroundings (dati kasi NR- No Reaction). Well he is younger then, so since he is older now and more mature, we should be more careful of our actions because he might think that it’s right to do it.
The 3 of us hugged afterwards, and we live happily ever after hahahahaha.
Take it from Ren, stop fighting, and start loving! Isn’t it amazing how kids make us realize our faults?
oo nga sis 🙂