Things I learned from my son #1
I have mentioned here before that Ren teaches me a lot of things. Here are additional things I learned from him and I know mommies out there can relate.

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Always do what you preach
A few weeks ago, Ren and I went strolling at the mall. Every time I saw a plastic wrapper on the street or someone throw something on the street I tell him that it’s a bad behavior and we should only throw our trash in the trash can. If we can’t see one at the moment, we should keep our trash in our bag or pocket and wait till we see a trash can to put it there. When we were already inside the bus, I drank a water in a plastic bottle and I just put it below my chair in the bus. I didn’t know that Ren was looking at me, and I was surprised that he told me this “is that a trash can mama?” Napahiya ako don mga mudra. So I made an excuse and just told him that I will pick it up later (which I did not do… sigh).
This is one of the examples that parents should do what we preach to our children because we may not realize it now but they are observing our actions pala.
You should always say what you want to hear from your kids
If a kid says bad words, that is probably because he or she heard it from other people saying it or he heard it from watching the TV that was not moderated by his/her parents. At our house, as much as possible, we don’t use bad words (even in tagalog), because we don’t need to and because we don’t want our son to learn it and tell it to other people.
Last time, Ren wants a hot water for his bath. I told him he didn’t need it anymore because the water is not too cold, but his daddy comply (because he himself wants a hot water). When daddy got the kettle to boil a water for him, Ren said “very good daddy!”, we were both surprised to hear it from him for the first time.
Very Good is what we always tell him if he did a great job (like packing away his toys without us prompting him, behaving when the situation requires for it and a lot more), and now he is using that term on us hahaha. Nakakataba pa la ng puso yun pag may nag-aapreciate sayo 🙂
How about you, what are the things you learned from your kids?
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