This is hilarious!
I can’t remember when was the last time I was drunk to death. Maybe it was in my highschool days because as a teenager, I was curious about anything. I tried smoking and drinking alcohol, thankfully I did not get addicted to it. Well, I know for the fact that it’s dangerous to your health, I just did it to please my curiosity and not be innocent when people are talking about it.
But I don’t agree about the saying that if your drunk you don’t know what your doing. Of course you know, it’s just that you can’t control yourself and you don’t feel anything even if you bang your head to the ground. You’ll just feel the pain when you wake up the next morning. I don’t know if you’ll agree but that is based on my experience 🙂
If you are an alcohol fanatic, just a piece of advise “Be careful when you drink too much, and try to not get caught on camera! You might regret that the next day.”
what ever happens in life we should always remember to live life to the fullest
Yes renz, I remember you! Welcome in my humble blog. Have a great weekend!
hi Levy,
we met at the J&J event in Makati 😉 Dropping a note and a happy wave!