Why guys don’t want ladies with too much make-up?
I asked this question to hubby last time and this was his answer: “I don’t want women wearing too much make-up, because you never know who you’re going to wake up in the morning.”
Maybe he has a point there because too much make-up can hide who is the real you.
I think putting make-up is okay as long as you’ll do it in a right occasions and not everyday, the simpler the better right? Look at the pictures of a young lady below, she had a drastic change in her look after putting some make-up.
I think she probably have a better skin if she didn’t put too much make-up in her face at the first place.
what ever happens in life we should always remember to live life to the fullest
What causes haggard face (although they’re not stressed?), that’s the too much use of make up. I remember one time, a friend of mine got too much pimples and acne on her face due to the usage of too much make up. 🙁
wow! uu nga. grabe kita mo din ba sila Cameron Diaz at Ellen Degeneres pag walang make up? hay.. ako kaya, ano itsura ko pag nagpa-ayus ako? hihihi