Going on with our lives!
After the terrible fight happened in the neighborhood last Sunday, I haven’t posted anything personal here. It is because I don’t want to post any more sentiments. I am just trying to post anything everyday for Adgitize’s sake hehe!
Now, I have cooled down. The tension is still here, but I don’t want to invite negative thoughts and feelings again. I am so stressed and depressed for the past 2 days that even made my cold get worse. As I’ve said I am not that affected by the bad words that he said to me, the real reason why my family and I feel mad is bigger than that. Clue: now I know why ENVY is one of the capital sins, because someone can do anything just to get what they wants. I do believe in Karma and I know even though life sometimes is unfair, still it would be okay when you let God take care of everything.We were reminded of this by our brother in law.
I don’t want to waste my time and energy with them, they are not really worth it. I need to live my life to the fullest everyday because we don’t know when will our time will end. I am letting go of the negative thoughts and feelings, I want to be happy and spend my life fruitful in this world.
Sorry to those who has been affected by my story last Sunday and I thank everyone who supported and cheered me up. Your words of encouragement really help me.
Tomorrow will be another day, I will continue my life the way God wanted it to be.
what ever happens in life we should always remember to live life to the fullest
i believe in karma, too. you’re right, we should spend each day productively and live life to the fullest because no one knows when our life is gonna end. 🙂