I have a new lay-out!
I decided to change my lay-out because I do not like the style anymore. What do you think guys, is my new layout better than the previous one?
I forgot to take the image of my previous lay-out that’s why I’ve researched the name of design which is “Japanese Fleur”
The only problem that I’ve encountered while changing my layout was my last blog roll links had been accidentally erased, and I do not have a back-up. I really don’t know how to get it back. If you want to link with me again please send me your links and I will be honored to add it in my blog roll.
what ever happens in life we should always remember to live life to the fullest
well it happens all the time, not all people are accommodating but there is a higher chance of gaining link exchange if you are the one making the first move, even on my site, more than 25% on my blog list does not even comment back on me when I ask for a list exchange to them. It was worth taking a risk, after all, you can just erase them all if they did not link you back.
Make or Break
Pehpot, I asked you guys to link to me first because I have experience in the past that some of you do not want to have an exchange link. This is my first time to change my lay-out so I did not know how to get the links back, thanks for the advice anyway. I’m sorry that I have annoyed you.
Tina, I will definitely go back in your site.
HI there! you know it is quite annoying that you go around asking for a link exchange and then you would tell us that we need to make the first move.. if you are asking for a link exchange I suggest that you link first and then tell the them that you made a link and ask if they would love to link you too..
It happened to me before that I accidentally erased all my link ex because I changed my lay out. To prevent this from happening again, you can follow all the blogs that you agreed to have an exchange link. In a widget where you can place your blog is, there is an option there where you can import the blogs that you are following. In that way, whatever happens to your lay out you can just import your list from the blogs you are following.. It saves me a lot of head aches and time.
Hi Levy!
Thank you for dropping by my blog! Your son is very cute! A lot of my visitors are from the Philippines. It is great to meet everyone who live so far away from me (I am in Canada)! Keep on coming back and I hope to hear more from you!
P.S. Love your new layout!
Tina tututina.blogspot.com
my site has its own domain now…
http://www.topicsonearth.com. kindly update your list.thanks!
hi levy! i love your new layout. like you, i’ve just changed my layout and header 3 days ago.
have a great week!
It’s okey Sharkbytes thanks for visiting anyway.
Salitype, thanks for the comment. I really love my new lay out as well.
Hi Levy- Thanks for visiting My Quality Day. I like your new layout. It is much “lighter” and cheery. You asked about exchanging links, but I have to respectfully decline. I keep my blog roll very short and limited to a few blogs that mostly focus on nature and the outdoors. But I am honored that you would ask!
i like the new one, its refreshing to look at with all the colors complimeting each other…very inviting as well!